Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Dead normal!

Warning: This is little post about death. I know a lot of people don’t want to think about it or want to read about it, so if you are one of these people…stop reading.

"When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries." ~Kabir

Ever since I was a little kid I’ve been sort of fascinated with death. I know it’s a bit morbid, but pretty early in life I learned that dying is just part of life or to be more precise the end of it. My parents never were secretive about that. It doesn’t matter if you old, young, sick, healthy, rich or poor, one thing is for sure: 1 day you die! And another thing that is certain is that you have to do this by yourself. Of course you can be surrounded by people, but the actual thing itself you have to do all on your own (as if you have a choice). That is actually a bit strange because all other things in life you can share, if you want too. You can share your bed with someone, enjoy a meal together, share thoughts, make love to someone and do all the things you want to do with someone, but dying you can’t share.

Last week I was reading an article about death and how it was part of life. Of course the article had nothing new to report. What can you really say about dying? You just stop functioning. It would be much more interesting to know what happens to people after death, but that is a question that has never been answered with certainty. Is there such a thing as an afterlife or does reincarnation exists? Or is the end, definitely the end? Does all consciousness ceases to exist at death, is death itself ultimately the exact same experience as prior to conception? I think it al depends on your background, your religion or lifestyle.

It would be nice if there was something after this. Not because I want it, but for the sake of all those religious people. It would be a bit of a bummer to find nothing on the other side, isn’t it? Do I believe there is something? No, not really! Does a soul evaporate? I’m still not sure about that one. I think (or believe) I’ve been visited by spirits several times (oh, a revelation!) Does reincarnation exist? It would be nice natural way of recycling!

As you can see, I’m still not sure about the issue. There is still a lot to think about, but that’s okay. At the end of my journey (a.k.a. life) all will be revealed


Phil said...

Great post Dakota. From the moment we are born, we are starting to die. Even birth is shared between us and our Mothers but death is a lone event. I am not someone of strong religious or even spiritual beliefs, but I think there is some consciousness that we all possess that can not be destroyed. I've wondered about reincarnation and karma too. As you know I am facing end of life issues although I think it's years away and though I'm not afraid to die, I don't want to leave my wife and kids. Especially my kids. I want to see them into adulthood and try to help them become decent men. I wasn't sure if I should post here as regular Phil or cancer guy Phil. I decided on the cancer guy.

Dakota said...


I wasn’t planning on sticking anything in my bum, with or without doctor’s advice ;)

I didn’t realize that you had been so close…. Is that the May-thingy? If it is, I really do understand your search for knowledge even more.

About dying…I don’t have a problem with it. I don’t think it is a scary or a difficult thing. Actually I believe that it is like you described … the moment you decide to let go, give up the fight, you just feel relaxed and peaceful. I guess I just have to wait and see what happens when the time comes.

Dakota said...

Thanks Phil,

I know what you are facing and you are always welcome to post a comment as Phil or cancer Phil, it’s your choice. I hope you can see your boys grow up into decent men and the way things are looking now you are going to do just that. I know you are not there yet, but let’s stay positive :)

And I think you are right. Dying isn’t scary; it’s the leaving behind others that is much scarier.

I like the idea of some consciousness staying behind after we have gone. But were does it go? Is the air filled with the consciousness of deceased people? Does it go to a place? What are your views on that?

Phil said...

I prefer chocolate ice cream.

I have to ponder the other question Dakota, I really don't think about it a whole lot to be honest with you.

dot said...

"noone here gets out alive"

Interesting article. I would be interested in hearing about your encounters with spirits. I've never experienced anything like that, but I am interested in other's experiences.

Dakota said...

Hmmz.. Chocolate ice cream, a bit cold but yummy.

Phil, don’t start to ponder the questions just because I asked. There is a time and place for everything. And maybe this is not the time :)

That also goes for spirit stories, maybe this is a good time to tell about this but I think my blog’s comment section is not the place. I will blog about this on a later date Paula and thank you for your comments :)