Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Keep the fire burning II

Last month I wrote a little piece called Keep the fire burning! Today I realised that it might also be helpful if you could recognise things that will extinguish your inner flame.

Your inner flame will die if you:
  • associate with people who criticize you all the time,
  • associate with people who can’t see your inner beauty,
  • only think in terms like ‘I need, I must, it must be done’,
  • gossip,
  • try to be nice all the time,
  • can only see obligations or alleged obligations,
  • lie to yourself,
  • eat too much all day, every day,
  • spend too much money (on things you don’t need)
  • waste time,
  • want to be somebody you are not,
  • fake it,
  • live in fear,
  • judge others,
  • are late for meetings, dates and appointment,
  • look for approval and confirmation,
  • don’t communicate,
  • judge yourself,
  • not consider other peoples feelings,
  • don’t take the time to appreciate the things you have,
  • depend on others to make you happy,
  • believe that others are better then you,
  • ignore your innermost desires,
  • are to accommodating,
  • set no boundaries,
  • don’t take enough you time.
  • Free yourself of (some of) the things mentioned above and life will be a lot brighter, lighter and warmer. Let the blazing fire grow!

    1 comment:

    Dakota said...

    I can only say: Been there, done that, didn’t like it! I suffered from a depression a few years ago so I know what it’s like to lose that inner flame. Never again! And I still have some bad days but all in all I manage to keep my fire burning.

    Feel free to comment on my English. Any help would be much appreciated. I know I make mistakes with to/too, of/off and then/than. I guess I still have a lot to learn.