Friday, November 11, 2005

Send a message in a barrel.

A few days ago I bought a funny card to send to a message in a barrel. I wrote something nice on it today, wrote the address on the envelope and tomorrow I am going to drop it off at the post office. I wonder if the card will ever reach its destination. But hey, it’s just a fun thing; even if the card never arrives. When you throw a message-in-a-bottle in the sea, there is also no guaranty that it will end up on a nice beach or something.

For more information: Send a message in a barrel.


Kid Ric said...

Fun Dakota. I'll check my mail every day! Smile.

My Son and I were blessed today with the sight of two white doves flying together. I put pictures up on my blog to share with you.

Peace, love and light to you and yours.

Dakota said...

Hahahaha keep checking…. Who knows where the card might end up :)

I saw the pictures they are amazing!

JoeBoy said...

You never know where that message will end up. Very nice blog. Enjoyed reading it.

Kid Ric said...

Thank you for your kind comment.

I took like 35 pictures to get the 7 I posted. I was lucky to get those. Those doves were flying fast and doing all kinds of, what seemed to be, synchronized aerial acrobatics. They were so beautiful and full of grace.

Peace, love and light to you and yours.

Dakota said...

Hi joeboy,

Thanks for the nice comment.

I'll have to wait and see if the message will ever leave the barrel, but that is part of the fun I guess.

Dakota said...

My pleasure kid ric.

You took 35 pictures? That isn’t that much, is it? A professional photographer probably would have shot 200 pictures. So if you took just 35 shots and were left with 7 great pictures, that’s simply brilliant!