Thursday, October 06, 2005

Yesterday’s news!

I thought I lived in a country where censorship was not an issue, but it seems that these times are changing.

This week, it’s Children’s-book-week. The first Children’s-book-week was organized in 1954 and during this week children are introduced to reading, new books and all sorts of fun and games. Every year there is theme and this year the theme is “The Magic academy, books full of magic”. The Bible & Education Society is against this theme and has taken a position; they say NO, to magic (and fairytales). According to this society, children are overexposed to the dark side, wizards, witches and occult matters. When you let Harry Potter in schools, you let in the devil. (Huh?) Another point they make is: Children may think that magic and wizardry is harmless but it is very life threatening.

So according to this society it’s harmful to read Harry Potter. Why? Kids might experiment with the spells and then……? Nothing happens! Wow, how shocking!

I think children should be able to read all sorts of children books. It’s good for their imagination, development and reading skills. All my life I’ve been reading all the books I could lay my hands on and I turned out alright, didn’t I? Okay, maybe not according to some peoples standards, but hey, that’s their opinion :)


Phil said...

Not to knock one's belief system, but what is the difference in believing in (or enjoying) Harry Potter and reading or believing in (or enjoying)the bible? I don't think there is any difference. I think people get threatened by having the boat rocked. I think banning books like Harry Potter is ridiculous.

Ah, I'm going to hell anyway... ;-)

Dakota said...

In my humble opinion Harry Potter and the bible are just books, stories and you either like (or believe) them or not! It’s soooo simple.

And you are going to hell? I don’t think so…….(I’m not religious ;))

Phil said...

Dakota, I agree, they're just books. I don't really think I'm going to hell, I'm just a recovering catholic....

Phil said...

I'm no theologian by any means, but the little I do know about religions are that most of them tend to be exclusionary, where if you don't believe in MY god, then you are going to hell or where ever, or, if you don't believe in MY god, then I must kill you. I think it misses the point. I have thrown out my spirituality with my religion (I had no particular incident happen, I just never got into it or really believed it). I'm trying to get some sense of spirituality back but I am finding it difficult. This may be more info than you care to know, but I just thought I'd throw it in ;-)

Dakota said...

I think hell is invented to scare people shitless (pardon my vulgar slang :)). I don’t think people need such a place or a book of rules to have morals. But hey, that’s my pagan ;) view. Hmm...I hope this statement doesn’t bring a busload of religious converters my way :)

On your other comment. I don’t know that much about religion either, but isn’t there a line in all religious books that states: Love thy neighbour? That’s a powerful idea: that you should treat your fellow as you yourself would be treated, believer or non-believer.

I have no religious upbringing. My father was religious growing up, but he never forced his believes on his kids. We were allowed to find our own way.

Phil said...

"Love thy neighbour? That’s a powerful idea: that you should treat your fellow as you yourself would be treated,"

Such a simple concept, isn't it..