Monday, October 24, 2005


I wrote a few pieces in the past about this site and I like it, but I guess that’s pretty obvious by now.

Lately, however, I see more and more people just posting (mediocre) goals up there just so they can tick them as completed just a second later. I thought the purpose of this site was to write down your goals and share your progress. And when you see a goal you’ve achieved, you can click on the “I’ve done this” button and share a story about how you did it so others can be inspired or learn from it.

Can you win a price when you have the most completed goals, or something? If so, I can post a few average goals too: use a French bathroom (the hole in the ground kind) - not worth it, board a train that’s going nowhere – not worth it, remove the fallen leaves from the grass – not worth it (if there are still leaves on the trees) and so on and so on.

This doesn’t mean I think it’s wrong that people add completed goals to their list, but let them at least write something about it so people can be inspired or learn from it.

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