Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Okay, that’s done and dusted for another year.

The last piece of pie has been eaten, the last birthday card was received, the dishes have been done and the last visitor has left the building. Life is back to normal. And that is not a bad thing. Life goes on; I’m just a year older.

Looking back, I had a great few (birth) days I got some nice gifts, beautiful flowers from my Mom but most importantly I liked the company. We shared some great stories and had few laughs. It was just so much fun.

Funny, how things can go in life. The last few years I have not really celebrated my birthday, I did not feel like it (being depressed and all). This year I wanted to celebrate my birthday on a sunny island but my finances would not allow that. So, what to do? Luckily this question was answered without the need to think about it. Saturday I had dinner with a friend, then my sister-in-law called and invited me to a birthday brunch on Sunday and after that some friends called to say that they wanted to come by on Monday. Problem solved, Birthday celebrated.

I guess sometimes you just need to live life and take things as they come.


Phil said...

Dakota, Happy Birthday fellow
Libra(n). I sent an e-card.
Sorry I was a day late, I hope your birthday was great!

Word verification: aeaiaaz (which means Happy Birthday in New York speak!)

Dakota said...

Thanks for the card…..I was really surprised!

You made me smile!