Sunday, October 16, 2005

I'm thinkin' about my doorbell

Hope ya not gonna ring it, hope ya not gonna ring it! I know the White Stripes sing
‘When ya gonna ring it, when ya gonna ring it” but that was not what I was thinking yesterday. Don’t get me wrong, most times I like it when the doorbell rings but not on a Saturday morning, before I finished my first cup of coffee. And the funny thing is, before I answered the door, I already knew who it was. Am I clairvoyant, or what? No, I’m not! But these guys show up every week. Hmmz… to be honest they don’t turn up every week, but nearly every week. I’m talking about the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Most times I don’t even answer the door simply because I’m still in bed or I just don’t want to talk to them, but every now and then you need to answer the door or else they are going to ring the doorbell on weekdays too.

Back to yesterday. I opened the door and there they were, two not so nice (and that’s an understatement) looking guys with big bags and the The Watchtower already in their hands. I decided to be polite and wished them a very goodmorning as I waited on the bad news they had to share with me. Looking at their faces I already knew it wasn’t good or happy news. The first guy asked me if I’d already had noticed the signs. Not really awake yet, I was stupid enough to ask him which signs. That was a big mistake because now he could tell me all about it! Didn’t I notice all the earthquakes, the hurricanes, the wars, the trouble in the world? Was this guy thinking that I didn’t keep up with the news or something? So I said I had noticed all these things. Well according to him these were all signs…. Signs from God! Oh, it was going to be “the end of the world story” all over again. I couldn’t agree with him that all this things where signs of God. Earthquakes are caused by the movement of faults. A hurricane is a type of low pressure system which generally forms in the tropics, or is caused by a butterfly on the other side of the world, who knows :-) Wars are started by people who want their name in the history books and the trouble in the world is caused by people who don’t like to think about consequences of their actions. But that’s just my opinion and I told him that. The guys were totally gob smacked for a second. How could I possibly think that, but it was not to late… salvation was near. I just needed to read The Watchtower, become religious and I would be saved (and after the coming battle of Armageddon I would have the prospect of living forever on an earthly paradise). I thanked them kindly and said that I didn’t believe that and didn’t want to live forever; one lifetime is enough for me. They looked at me as if I was the devil in person and left. I wonder when they will be returning. Not too soon, I hope.

Funny coincidence, or a sign from above…. When I turned the radio on they were playing this song: ‘It’s the end of the world as we know it’ by R.E.M.


Dakota said...

Thanks for the compliment.

I took a look at your blog too and it looks promising :)

Phil said...

Funny comment Dakota!!!
I took a look at your blog too and it looks promising :)
How did they get in with the word verification? Oh my, it must be either an act of God, or the beginning of the end!!! I think if God was going to take us all out, he'd do it in a grander style, like have it rain chickens or something. We used to get the 'visits' before we moved to upstate NY. Now we don't see them at all. I can't say I miss them

Dakota said...

Thanks Phil ;-)

I don’t know how they managed that but they did. Is this the beginning of the end? No, I don’t think so... although it would be nice to see it rain chickens for once. I just pictured it and it would be a pretty odd sight. Bananas would be pretty sufficient too ;-)

Lucky you, no more ‘visits’ from them, I’m almost jealous!