Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Grow a brain?!

What’s that all about? Don’t tell me you can grow a brain, because you can’t! You come into this world with a brain and, if you’re lucky, you leave this world with the same brain. Okay, that’s said and done, but what about growing a brain then? It’s actually quite simple; you can improve your brain and let it grow that way ;-) Hmmz…that must be difficult? No, its not, I assure you. It’s just like gardening; the most important ingredient is a good fertilizer.

All you really need to do is exercise, walking counts as exercise, and how difficult is that?

Weird hey! As it turns out, exercise helps your brain cells to grow and make new connections. Working yourself in a sweat on a regular basis is like a fertilizer for brain cells. New brain cells will sprout and will make more connections. And if that’s not enough, these new connections work better too, which in turn helps to preserve the frontal lobes, that’s the area of the brain where ageing is most noticeable.

Exercise helps your brain to make a chemical called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which creates brain cells and connections. New small blood vessels also grow with exercise, nourishing these cells and connections that would otherwise wither away under the pressure of ageing.

Good nutrition, education, and positive thinking all help to keep your brain young. But the most important factor is aerobics. It has remarkable beneficial effects on the structure and function of the brain.

Great news isn’t it? And by the way I didn’t dream this up myself; it’s the conclusion of 10 years of research done by Professor Ian Robertson - University of Dublin


Phil said...

Interesting study. "the most important ingredient is a good fertilizer" I've been told that I have sh*t for brains but I guess that doesn't count. I do find that the chemo I'm on makes me 'foggy' or what they call 'chemo brain' where I'll forget how to spell my son's name or I can't find a word at times, but I have found that working (I do computer type stuff) has helped keep my brain in shape. Exercise too helps, which I need to start doing again.

Dakota said...

Maybe you can use your ‘brainsh*t’ to fertilize something else ;-)

I know that chemo can really mess with your head, in more ways then one :(. But it will improve when you are done with the chemo, won’t it?

Phil said...

It really does mess with my head at times, but it will get better when I get done with it. I had a break for a few months and things improved. Right now I don't know when I will be done, I get a CT scan next week, then find out on the 24th what the next step is. I have a feeling it's more of the same but we shall see.

Dakota said...

Let’s keep our fingers crossed, stay positive and hope for the best.

This is a bit of a mediocre comment but I really hope that you get some good news on the 24th.

Phil said...

Dakota, a mediocre comment would be something like
"Oh, the 24th, yeah-whatever..."
Your comment is great!
I'll post the results for sure!