Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Four Secrets to Becoming Rich (and who doesn’t want that)

I don’t! Oh, what a revelation! :-) But I think I’m pretty rich….I’m happy, I’m healthy, I can pretty much eat what ever I want, I have nice friends and a roof over my head. So what more does a girl need….a little more money :-) For any one who wants more money or wants to become filthy rich here are four secrets that will help you…..

Secret one: Open a savings account and pay yourself first .
Even if you are living paycheck to paycheck, this is the key to making a million dollars, euros or pounds. Every month when your paycheck comes, pay yourself before paying any other bills. Start saving! Set up a separate savings account. If you mingle your savings with your regular checking account, you'll almost certainly dip into your savings and may never pay them back. Having your savings in a separate account is a constant reminder that these funds are earmarked for your future, and watching the balance grow is rewarding and motivating.

How much should you pay yourself?
Dead Broke:
Don't pay yourself first. Spend more than you earn.

Poor: Spend everything you make and save nothing.
Middle Class: Pay yourself first five to 10 percent of your income.
Upper Class: Pay yourself first 10 to 20 percent of your income.

But if you honestly can't find a way to set aside 10% or 20 % for your future, then start out with 8%, or 5%, or whatever you're able to do with perhaps a little bit of discomfort but without great sacrifice.

Secret Two: Make it Automatic
Don't trust yourself to pay yourself first. It's not that people are lazy; it's that they're busy. No matter how disciplined they may be, they don't have time to manually write checks and deposit them into an account every pay day. Use automatic transfers. The bank then automatically transfers money from your checking account into whatever savings plan you choose

Secret Three: Windfalls
Whenever unexpected money comes your way, put all, most or at least 10% of it into your savings account. Bonuses, salary increases, tax refunds, rebates, overtime pay, income from hobbies or yard sales and other windfalls can pump up your savings account nicely.

Secret Four: Pay it back.
If you're forced to dip into your savings for an emergency, consider it a loan which must be paid back in a reasonable period of time, and set up a repayment schedule.

This works…just try it!

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