Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Shouldn’t you be working?

I just found out that a lot of people are reading blogs during working hours. Are you one of them? Shame on you! ;)

At the moment 25 % of the American workforce (roughly 140 million) visit blogs during working hours, this according to new statistics. These 35 million workers spend approximately 9% of their time on blogs, which makes a total of 3½ hours per week.

The blogs people visit are not work related; they just read blogs to satisfy their own curiosity.

But is this really a bad thing? Is this really a waste of time? Or in other words: are people spending more time on the internet or are they just substituting surfing the web with reading blogs? The work still gets done, isn’t it?

Maybe blogs are just another way of social interaction, which might improve the wellbeing of workers. Maybe this is just a modern variation of people hanging around watercoolers talking and sharing the latest news and gossip.

And now back to work…. ;)

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