Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Brain activity

The other day I wrote something about growing a brain. And now I found another piece about “brain stuff”.

In my opinion, the brain is one of the most powerful and mysterious part of the human body and I like to think that we can do so much more with it. As it turns out we can (duh!). The same Professor Robertson (yep, the guy from the earlier piece) published the book ‘Mind sculpture’ about doing things with your brainpower.
For instance: in this book he states that even couch potatoes can exercise without leaving the couch, just thinking about strenuous activity can make you fit.. How cool is that?

He describes how volunteers were asked to imagine they were constantly flexing and tensing one finger of their left hand. After four weeks of daily training, the finger strength of the 'virtual muscle builders' increased by an average of 22 per cent.

I don’t know if it really works, I like my normal work outs to much too even try it, but if you want to try it, here is an exercise I found somewhere else:

Psychic work-out

Imagine stepping out on a diving board, raising your arms above your head, pressing the palms together. Feel the tendons stretch warmly. Bounce on the balls of your feet. You dive into the cold, thickly heavy liquid. It moves as slowly as mercury.

Kicking your legs hard against the dense water, you thrust your arms forward and drag them around. The water resists every movement. You persevere and the solidity of the water becomes a joy-resistant but not impossibly draining. Your muscles pull hard, and your body is generating heat that takes the chill of the water a blessing.

At the pool side, you launch yourself up into the light air, every movement now easy and unfettered. You run lightly up the steps of another diving board, facing the first, and the fantasy begins again.

Imagine 10 lengths of the pool this way. After three weeks of virtual exercise, you may notice a corresponding strength in your body, experience better brain power, even enhanced psychic powers...

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