Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Just plain stupid

Last weekend I was reading some entries on the 43things site and I came across an entry from a girl who is trying to lose some weight. There is nothing wrong with people trying to lose weight if they are doing it the sensible way. Hey, I even encourage it if they are really overweight. I cheer them on or I try to give them some advice, but this was a different story.

This girl was keeping a progress journal and here is what she consumed on one day:
Food intake: 3 apples,1 orange,1 ltr water,2 cup coffee
Exercise: 1 hr
Note: things not done
1)3 hr exercise
Rate this day: bad

How can anyone live on that? I left some comments, trying to stop her but she just wouldn’t listen to me. Or did she listen to me; I haven’t seen any new entries in her progress journal.

As it turns out there is a really scary group who just have one aim and that is to be skinny. And they don’t mean just skinny skinny, but anorexia skinny. They are encouraging each other not to eat and to weigh less than 100lbs! It’s awful! Here is a link so you can see for

Stupid girls are just dying to become anorexic. One of my best friends is anorexic. She has been hospitalized many times and is doing so much better now, but according to her she will be never be able to say that she has overcome anorexia nervosa. Every day is a battle, but she is still winning. I sincerely hope these girls will see the light and stop this death-defying nonsense.


Phil said...

That's sad. My wife's younger sister has an eating disorder. She was/is anorexic, has passed out from lack of nutrition, last weekend had to go to the hospital because of a severe infection most likely caused by viatamin deficency. She has been on a strict raw food diet for over two years. She weighs about 85 pounds if that. She doesn't get it

b o o said...

so sad. i weigh 85lbs & not by choice. i feel so sad for these girls.

Dakota said...

So sad indeed!

I have read some of your blog entries boo, and I know that you do not weigh 85 lbs by choice. And maybe you look a bit frail but you have a very strong personality :)

Phil your story sounds so familiar. I went through the same thing with my friend. She has been on raw food for a year, but then she felt that she was not eating right so she changed her diet and was living on toast, water and vitamin pills. So sad! Now, she is back on regular food and she is putting on weight, but every day is a struggle.