Ancient ears!?
This afternoon, while I was walking home from doing the things I usually do on a Saturday, I was listening to some music. Great things, those new mobile phones with built-in radio and MP3player (and cameras, but that is another story). So I was walking, listing to the radio secretly singing along with some songs and then it suddenly hit me. There was something annoying to this too. Was I forcing people to listen to my terrible singing? No I wasn’t! I was doing that secretly remember :) So, what then? Well, I suddenly noticed that my earphones didn’t fit my ear. Every few paces I had to push one of those things back into my ear because it was starting to slip out. Hmmmz… maybe I should wear them the other way around? So I put the left thingy in my right ear and the right thingy in my left ear. (Did I write that right? I just have to check, because before you know it I’ll end up with two thingies in one ear….left/right, right/left ….well I guess I stated that correctly!). There was some improvement, the left one was staying put in my right ear…hurray! The other one still had the desire to leave my ear and that provided me with some food for thought because I suddenly realized that I always had this sort of problems with earphones.
It all started in the days of the Walkman. In the beginning they were supplied with regular headphones but later on you could only get them with the earphones. And that was also the moment my earphone problem started. The earphones are just not made to fit the shape of my ears….or should I say ear, because there is always one thingy that does not fit. I tried different brands over the years but they are all the same. Only Sony had a pair
, years ago, that fitted snug in my ears, but the newer models doesn’t. Ehmmm… Do I have a handicapped ear; is it a deformity or something? Or maybe, just maybe, my ears are just too ancient for these modern times. Have ears evolved so dramatically the last few years that my ears have to be placed in the category ancient ears? Well, I guess I’ll never know. I’ll just have to learn to live with my deformed ear….booohoooo! Just kidding, I still love my ear! Deformed or not!…I could always try the new inner earphones that recently came available for my phone.
i sing like a donkey, dance like an elephant. so there. u have nice ears i'm sure.
Sorry to say, but I think, you've quite normal ears. The makers of standard earphones seems to build their earphones for the "average" ear. That mean, that a lot of people will have ears different from the average, as I recall my statistic lessons correctly.
Besides the fact, it's really annoying. I spent a lot of money on finding the perfect solution, and now i've got it: buy one of this Headphones or this earphones (the E2c will be enough, the E3C is the real killer). The Shure Earphones are coming with a so called "PersonalFit Kit", that means different fittings to put on the earphone. I even found one for my crooked ears!
Admit, the stuff cost some extra money, but I found it a sound investment, as I don't have to replug my earphone verey 1,5 meters :-)
Boo, you are almost a zoo all by yourself ;) Just kidding! I’m sure that it’s not that bad :)
Thanks for the helpful tip, Wanderingthinker It is great that you are into all these gadgets and gadget related stuff ;) Now I first have to feed my piggybank a lot of spare change….they sure cost some extra money, but if they are as perfect as you say, it will all be worth it :)
shure am. its kinda like too many freaks too few circuses in my camp.
Yes, gadgets, books, music, stationery and bags are my biggest addictions. I buy nearly every iPod, every 6 month a new cell phone and swinging constantly between the newest Palm/PocketPC/Smartphone and Paper Organizers.
I have always some residues of older stuff, as I don't like to bother me with selling on ebay. So if I could help out, drop me a note.
Wanderingthinker , you are such a great guy, offering to help out! Thanks!! That really means a lot to me :)
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