Monday, December 05, 2005


Last week my monitor died on me for the 4th time. So after replacing the fuse 2 times, replacing the on/off switch and replacing the fuse another 2 times, I finally gave up. This thing was no longer willing to cooperate. Stupid thing! Now it left me with no other choice, I had to find another one.

Normally that is not such a big problem, but I live on a tight budget so spending 300 euros on a monitor is not a doable thing at the moment. And sure I can put it on a credit card, but I hate credit cards…..I don’t have a credit card debt and I am not prepared to start one just because I need a monitor. So with just 100 euros to spend I started my search for the best deal my money could buy me.

It was not easy, I can tell you, but yesterday I found my new monitor. To be precise, it’s not exactly brand new…. It’s a 3 month old demonstration model. The great plus is that it still has 2 years and 9 months warranty on it; I can just return it to the shop if it’s starting to play tricks on me. Another great plus was the price; I didn’t need to spend all of my 100 euros :)

So now I’m looking at my new screen. It takes a bit of getting use to, this one is bigger, the colors are different and I miss the Black Trinitron qualities (it was a Sony) from my old screen. Yeah, yeah, I know it was an ancient monitor ;) But I loved it and I was really attached to it. It was hard to say goodbye, but I did! I hugged it lovingly, wiped a tear from my eye and said my final goodbye! Bye, bye!!

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