Wednesday, January 11, 2006

What is your computer doing when it is turned off?

Just click on the image and find out!


dot said...

Lol...I knew it!

qaminante said...

This is sexist, but I am sure that must have been designed by a man - it wouldn't have occurred to me that the icons would amuse themselves by fighting! Great animation, though.

Anonymous said...

Mine is a well behaved Mac. I don't think that he's into such bachelor behaviour... ;-)

Dakota said...

You have a great sense of humor Paula

What should icons do? Dance, knit, talk, play games, read or nag, qaminate?

Hahaha, your Mac is probably taking one bite out of virtual apples Wanderingthinker

Phil said...

Well that explains a lot

b o o said...

that is too funny :p loved the laser guns & my my, better not tempt my fate with the devil.