Friday, January 27, 2006

Happiness Manifesto

Yesterday I changed one of my goals on 43T into practice ‘Happiness Manifesto’ daily. I had seen entries about that goal but I never quite understood what it was all about. So, yesterday I googled it and I liked what I saw. So here is the short version of what I found.

The BBC in the UK started an experiment in a challenged area 22 miles west of London. Six experts, from various fields such as psychology and economics, worked to improve the happiness of people in the Berkshire town of Slough.

On 15 November 2005, fifty volunteers were given the Happiness Manifesto, which they must act upon as part of their daily lives. Simply reading the Manifesto is not going to be very helpful. An understanding must translate into a willingness to experiment, and hopefully something will develop daily in deeds, by way of joyful and focused actions.

Do these things for two months and see the difference they make!

1. Get physical
Exercise for half an hour three times a week.

2. Count your blessings
At the end of each day, reflect on at least five things you're grateful

3. Talk time
Have an hour-long uninterrupted conversation with your partner or
closest friend each week.

4. Plant something
Even if it’s a window box or pot plant. Keep it alive!

5. Cut your TV viewing by half

6. Smile at and/or say hello to a stranger
At least once each day.

7. Phone a friend
Make contact with at least one friend or relation you have not been in
contact for a while and arrange to meet up.

8. Have a good laugh at least once a day

9. Every day make sure you give yourself a treat
Take time to really enjoy this.

10. Daily kindness
Do an extra good turn for someone each day.

Most of the above mentioned things I’m already doing but hey there is always room for improvement :)

For additional information, go here


dot said...

I think that is a great idea...all of those things are small ways that we can improve our outlook. How you look at the world truly does affect your reality.

Great post.

Dakota said...

Thank you, Paula. And the great thing about this is, that it really works. I’ve been doing a lot of these things over the last few years and it has changed my reality :)

Phil said...

4. Plant something
Even if it’s a window box or pot plant. Keep it alive!
You Dutch people ;-)

Dakota, you know I try to do the RAKs. I love how people are surprised. If you're mean to people, they don't blink an eye but if you're nice, it throws them. I know you practice these very often, it shows. You're a wonderful person.

b o o said...

i planted 2 noo plants for lunar noo year. hope they do well :) great post {{Dakota}}

Dakota said...

Hahaha….You are just jealous Phil, we can keep 5 pot plants for personal use ;)

Keep up the good work {{Phil}}

I’m sure they are going to do well boo just take care of them and yourself {{boo}}