Monday, January 23, 2006

Who’s afraid of the drugstore?

I don’t have a problem with getting older, well most of the time that is. I say most of the time, because I want to be honest about this. On certain days I really get scared when I look in the mirror first thing in the morning. Sometimes I notice cracks, a.k.a.wrinkles, in my face that weren’t there when I went to bed the night before. That can be pretty scary. Sometimes I even think that there are gnomes living in my bedroom. I can almost visualize how they come out of their hiding places at night to knead my face into certain gnome wrinkle patterns or something. But I know that is not true……or is it? Hmm…. I guess it’s just nature. And most of the time I dry up quite nicely, most cracks disappear within a few hours ;)

But like I said, ordinarily I don’t have a problem with all that stuff. However I get a bit scared nowadays when I go to the drugstore. There seems to be a new age-defying product every week (or is it day), I can’t say for sure because I’m not there every week, but they have them for every age group now. Okay some things I can understand, I am willing to believe that a 60 year old skin wants to be treated differently then a 20 year old skin, but does teeth feel the same way? Did you know that there is special toothpaste out there for people who are 40 or older? Why, you ask. I don’t know, probably to make money. And have you heard about the new age-defying shampoo? What does that do; get the wrinkles out of your hair? I just don’t get it, but others do. There was a promotion going on and people were buying the shampoo willingly. Luckily they don’t approach me with age group specific stuff, so I can still get away with normal toothpaste, regular day- and night cream and average shampoo. But I’m dreading the day that they are going to approach me too and that day can’t be that far away and that scares me ;)


zoom said...

About a year ago I got a vertical line beside my nose on the left. I was intrigued when I found it in the morning, and pleased to see that it disappeared after I'd been up an hour or so. But now it reappears every morning and sticks around longer each day. This weekend its twin appeared for the first time on the right side of my nose, and disappeared after an hour or so. I comfort myself with the knowlege that symmetry is the essence of all beauty.

Do you find that as you get older your looks vary dramatically from mirror to mirror? I think I look best in my bathroom mirror, and worst in the bathroom mirror at work.

Acid Zebra said...

Everbody knows gnomes only steal underpants to support their big business scheme:

1) collect underpants
2) ???
3) profit!

Sheesh, doesn't anybody watch south park anymore?

b o o said...

different kinda toothpaste? geez thats weird.

Dakota said...

Lol! I completely understand what you mean zoom!.
I don’t think it has anything to do with the mirrors, but with the lights. I love my bathroom mirror too but when sunlight hits the bathroom love turns to hate instantly :)
Same goes for public bathrooms; they usually have very harsh lights. Yuck!

Great that the same line appeared on the other side too, we don’t want to mess with the divine proportion (golden ratio) now, do we? ;)

Are they still running episode of South Park Michiel?

Yeah, it sure is weird boo. I think it’s kind of new!

kat said...

Don't buy any of those age defying creams. They hurt your face. I'm allergic to most of them.

Dakota said...

I don’t buy them, Kat.Those creams don’t work anyway. Your skin reflects what you eat, your lifestyle and not what you rub on it. Beauty comes from the inside.