Friday, January 20, 2006

Where did that idea go?

Earlier today I had this great idea for a little piece I was going to write today. Of course I got this idea while I was walking and of course I had no pen and paper on me and I didn’t bring my cell phone. I tried telling the whole story to my iPod, but that didn’t work. Bummer!
At the time I was certain I would still remember the whole thing when I got home, but as soon I opened the front door the idea vanished. It will probably come to me later while I’m in the shower (another practical place to get ideas, NOT!) or something but for now I’m left with nothing…..boohoo!

Luckily Stu
tagged me yesterday, so today I’m going to entertain you with my 5 weird habits. Only 5? Yeah only 5!

Ground Rules: The first player of this “game” starts with the topic “5 weird habits of yours” and people who get tagged need to write a blog entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names:

1) I talk in my sleep. Not al the time, mostly when I’m stressed

2) I need to read before I go to sleep. I need to read after I wake up.

3) I keep things like me keys, cell phone, agenda and my purse in their own fixed place at home. If they are not there I’ll panic

4) I brush my teeth at ten o’clock every evening so I won’t snack after ten.

5) I give every book I read a fair chance. I always read the first 50 pages. I finish the book when I like it or toss it aside when I don’t.

All I need to do now is choose 5 new victims….. (drum roll) and the next victims are:

If you don’t want to play, that’s okay :)


Phil said...

I can come up with 5 things before I leave the house I bet. This sounds like fun Dakota. Let me sleep on it (after I read)

Dakota said...

Funny! :) Are you awake yet? Come on, share your 5 things Phil

Just kidding....take all the time you need :)

qaminante said...

Well I didn't think I had any weird habits but I did find a few. I should probably learn from your weird habit no. 3 - it's not that my things don't have places to live, it's just that they never stay there! If I understand correctly, you must be reading all the time?

b o o said...

done. i'm up :)

wv: zzqwph (zzzz....quick wake up phil?)

Dakota said...

Yes, that means only water after toothbrush time Stu. But there seems to be some kind of rule for this. They say that you have to stop eating 2 or 3 hours before bedtime. It’s better for your metabolism. Anything you eat before bedtime won’t be digested properly. So, you can do it like I do, or you can just stop eating, that way you can drink whatever you want.

Well, you came up with quite an impressive list qaminante :) And yes, I read a lot but not all day. Hmm…coming to think of it, if you would count the Internet too, I probably read all day ;)

You sure have quirky little habits boo. So, quirky I just got to love them :)

Dakota said...

I'll try to keep a straight face :)