Friday, January 06, 2006

New Year’s Resolutions

I don’t believe in them so I don’t make them. In my opinion there are a good 350 days in a year to change your life, stop with a bad habit or start something new. The other 15 (or sometimes 16) are not the right days for a change. I think that the week between Christmas and the New Year and the first week of the New Year are really bad choices to start something new. And I believe I’m still right in thinking that.

Even before the New Year started, I noticed that a lot of people really got stressed out. Just the thoughts of changing their lives, quit smoking, lose weight or whatever made them nervous. Smokers smoked more, drinkers drank more and people who wanted to lose weight, all of a sudden, ate more just because they were supposed to go on a diet at the start of 2006. And now we are 6 days into 2006 and people are even more stressed. They are running around like bad-tempered headless chickens, buying nicotine gum or patches, food supplements, laxatives, wonder pills, shakes, books and so on and so on. No fun at all. I give them just another few days and then they are back to their old self again. Not because they want to, but because they are living under a microscope right now. Everyone is watching, making comments and is making a hard time even harder. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not discouraging anybody, I’m just saying that I can understand why things aren’t working out right now. If you might fail, just try it again on a later date :)

Oh, and if you are into that New Year’s Resolutions stuff why not try (one of) these 10 which I found in the newspaper for a happier 2006.
  • Never ask yourself ‘why me?’
    A lot of people who have to deal with problems, grief, misfortune, or sickness ask themselves ‘why me?’ Misfortune has to do with destiny and there is no reason for it. So don’t ask ‘why me?’ but ask ‘why shouldn’t this happen to me?’ The answer to this question is much clearer: you are just like the rest of us :)
  • Always remember your best moments
    Make an inventory of all your happy moments. Take out your diary, photo albums, journals or whatever and figure out when you where happiest. Maybe this inventory can help you today.
  • Take life as it comes
    Expectations can really ruin your life or spoil a perfect moment. Talking about how things should have turned out, how people should have reacted, what people should have done, takes up a lot of your time. And it is useless because you are focusing on something that does not exist. So, focus on the things that are really around you and take life as it comes.
  • Start every day with a new resolution and accomplish it
  • Figure out which things you really enjoy
    This can be very hard. Keeping a journal can be helpful. Write down the things you did, frame of mind and feelings. After a while you will notice that there are things you like to do over and over again because you enjoy them so much.
  • Don’t pay any attention to negativity.
    Things grow if you pay attention to them. So, if you constantly pay attention to negative things, talk about problems and misfortune, these things will grow too. After a while you will approach more and more things with a negative attitude. So stop it, put your energy in positive things, pay them the attention they deserve and they will grow too.
  • Make contact
    Making contact is important. In this day and age there is no need for real loneliness. Meet up with nice people, call friends or family, even if you haven’t called them in a very long time, meet new people on the Internet, volunteer, just do something.
  • Be grateful
    Or as Oprah Winfrey said it: “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough”.
  • Don’t make resolutions.
    If it was that easy to do what you want to do, then you would probably have done it by now. Decide to do something and do it right away. Resolutions only make you feel guilty if you don’t persist. Result, you are even farther removed from your goal.
  • Learn from your mistakes.
    Or as Mr. Nelson Mandela said it: “The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall”.

    What ever you do……make it a happier 2006!

    b o o said...

    what a great list, thanks for sharing Dakota. things i like to do are eat & sleep. i'm a master @ doing absolutely nothing :)

    Dakota said...

    Stu, if it would pay my bills I would probably start self-help group sessions today :)
    But for now, it is nice to know that this piece of text helped you.

    zoom!, there is nothing wrong with making NY resolutions if that sort of thing works for you :) I think that it is absolutely fantastic that you re-quitted again. So, you go girl, you did this before and you can do it again. Hoorah, cheers and good luck :)

    My pleasure boo! Go right ahead and do absolutely nothing :)

    Phil said...

    A great list Dakota. I didn't make resolutions this year because I never keep them. I decided a few weeks ago to change some things in my life and that so far is sticking. It's how you approach it I think.

    Dakota said...

    Good that you didn’t make any New Year’s resolutions, Phil. Why make them when you are not going to keep them. I am pleased to read that the other things are working out for you :)

    qaminante said...

    I like the article you quoted - I think resolutions are more of an on-going thing anyway, I find generally take stock in the Autumn because that's when many activities start. "43 things" doesn't distinguish between things one may be working on right now and those you hope to start on one day, but I do find it helpful to write things down and record them somewhere, just to remind me where I am supposed to be heading! You have to ask yourself occasionally whether something is still a priority or whether to let it go.

    Dakota said...

    Thanks for your nice words qaminante and it was nice that you stopped by :)
    I perform a status check to from time to time and that is working….at least it is, for now.

    I think you are right about 43T, there is no distinction between current and future or long-term goals but you can put current goals on top of your list I guess. I know they are still improving 43T (and the other sites) if you want, you can suggest your ideas on but you probably know that already :)