Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Horoscope 2006

At the start of every year I read my horoscope for the New Year. I am probably a bit strange, but I always keep a copy in my journal and at the end of the year I’ll check if the horoscope was right. Was the 2005 horoscope special right? The results are in…… and it is a bit scary, but they were right! Personal growth and goals were successful, I gained confidence, I did a lot for others, gained control over my energy levels, re-evaluated decisions and changed direction, dismissed things that irritated me and rediscovered my creativity.
I think it’s spooky ;)…. and no, I did not live my life with this horoscope in the back of my mind. So now I’m curious…. What’s their view on 2006!

Libra: 2006 Horoscopes Special

Your Life in the Next 12 Months
Change, as you know, can at first feel like loss. Whether you've watched your family, job, romance or friendships transform recently, you've ended 2005 looking back wistfully at what once was. You may not realize it, but you're now empowered to make a move that was unthinkable even a few months ago. A lucky year awaits, giving you every reason to look forward, not back. That fabulous planet of abundance, Jupiter, will generate money for you in 2006 by introducing a new market for your goods or talents. Jupiter brings out the theatrical side of your personality, so pursuing anything that expresses your originality will be a good idea. Look for a business merger with a group that needs your input to shake up its routine.

Your Love Life
You are beautiful and sensual, and no one knows better how to inspire romance. So why is love so complicated? For starters, you're complicated. You require approval, sensitivity and plenty of communication. You seek "fantasy" in your affairs and can't settle for the ordinary. You're also juggling a jumble of emotions, from disappointment to anticipation. The new year brings a fresh start ‑- though the relationship may not be new. You'll take a crazy leap, leading to some major lifestyle adjustments ‑- and then, a true partnership. Find you can share yourself.

What to Change in 2006
You're not shy, but you usually want everyone to like you. This year, stand up for your rights, chase down information you need and grab opportunities. Being liked is the bonus, not the goal!


Phil said...

Interesting, I'm a Libra too

Dakota said...

I know you are Phil. A lucky and interesting year awaits us :)

qaminante said...

Thanks for giving me my horoscope (I'm a Libran too)! However, I don't think any of last year's were accurate for me, we will have to see how this one pans out.

b o o said...

i be following that chart for u2 interesting lovelies. i'm pisces.

Dakota said...

Oh, another Libra. Welcome to the club qaminante. We will have to wait and see, won’t we?

Thanks boo. I checked your horoscope; the outlook for Pisces is very promising too :)