It’s just one of those days
I am having a yuck(y) day. Why? Nothing special, just one of those days we women have to endure once in a while. What’s makes it yuck? A lot actually, so here is the short list:Sounds kind of familiar to some of you I guess. So, enough of the moaning, time to (carefully) make some tea, get my book and stay in my chair for a couple hours soaking up the sun. Oh and there is some good (old) news too. (hmm... question : Old news isn't news anymore so what would be the proper word to use here?) We are not alone ladies! And I always thought males and females we were sooooo different :)
Dakota, I wish you lived closer - I have lots of dirty things that you could clean! Anyway, this sounds like a day for pure escapist activities: curl up on the sofa with a comfy blanket and lose yourself in a good book or movie.
I hope you feel better. The only thing I could probably relate to is cramps, and you didn't say you had them...
I was going to say much the same as zoom... Sorry to hear you are feeling down, hope you caught some sunshine and that you have some fun this weekend.
yes, yes & yes to your reasons. this too shall pass. feel better soon {{Dakota}}
LOL Zoom! I did mention I drop everything, didn’t I? The escapism worked. I escaped to the garden with my book and some tea and I am feeling fine now :)
No, I rarely get the cramps these days, Phil. But I know what they feel like; I used to get them a lot when I was younger. I also know a bit about colon cramps. I use to have a spastic colon (Irritable bowel syndrome). Sometimes the cramps got so bad I couldn’t stand up straight, or I would pass out because my body couldn’t take it anymore. This is probably nothing compared to things you are going through.
Thanks, Qaminante. It’s hard to avoid the sunshine these days :)
Have a great weekend!
I am feeling better already {{Boo}}. Thanks!
Poor Dakota!
I'm feeling rough too, and oddly enough I'm experiencing pretty much all of your points listed too, except I'm definitely not cold.
I cleaned my house from top to bottom the other night. Perhaps I'm nest building, LOL, scary, ooh, or perhaps you are nest building! :]
Hey, I went shopping this evening and found Rooibos tea in both 'breakfast' and 'vanilla' varieties! I bought some 'breakfast Rooibos' and will try a cup in the morning.
I will then proceed to blame you if I don’t like it... x
Ehmm…This is strange!! I am starting to believe you are (unconsciously) mimicking my weird behaviour. Or who knows, maybe we are just linked up in some strange way ;) Must be the internet :þ Anyway I hope you feel better soon, I am feeling much, much better already.
LOL…. I am definitely not nest building :) But who knows, you might be ;) Or maybe you are just feeling restless. Cleaning calms me down! For some reason cleaning always leaves me with more then a clean house, it tidies up my mind too :)
I have plain Rooibos tea. They sell different varieties like Rooibos with honey, or Mango/Peache, or citrus. Mine is original Rooibos with spices like cinnamon, ginger and cardamom. It’s a bit sweet and I hope you like it……if not, feel free to blame me :) x
BTW I love the new profile pic :D
Big hugs Dakota. I have been experiencing similar things for the past 3 days but I'm hoping it's wearing off now. I forgot a meeting with a friend on Friday and went to the wrong place to pick up my daughter today. The only thing that kept me going was repeating 'this will pass, this will pass' over and over.
Ah, big hugs to you too Snowqueen. And keep repeating that little phrase 'this will pass’, because this will pass. I hope you feel better soon :)
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