Sunday, June 25, 2006

Mind, body and soul sessions.

Let go of clutter

Buddhists believe that attachment to material things obstructs happiness and it is this attachment that blinds us, causes suffering, wanting, getting, more wanting, more getting. Does this mean we have to live without material things? No of course not, but we can be more sensible and get rid of the things we don’t need. Clutter is depressing, discouraging, slows us down, and robs us of space which could be used for more useful things. Chucking out stuff we don't need gives us peace of mind. Finally, we can stop worrying about things that don't matter. A good de-cluttering session will free up some room for new things in your live, new ideas, new possessions, a new way of life, a change in your every day behaviour. Now I can almost hear you think, so…..I am only making room to fill the vacant space with new junk so I’ll have to de-clutter all over again? Yes and no! Of course new possessions and extra baggage will fill the vacant space when we aren’t looking, but that’s not all. Elusive things like hopes, lifestyle and feelings will fill the void too. De-cluttering is actually a life-long procedure and I believe that’s a good thing because this means you have to take stock from time to time.

Today, free up some time to attend to some of the things you have been putting off. Look around. What are you hanging on to? Which belongings no longer serve you? De-cluttering is a huge task, so today keep it simple. Start out with something you have been meaning to do for some time now. By doing a thing you have been putting off, you are de-cluttering your brain too. One thing less on your “to-do” list means a bit more breathing space in your head. You can’t enjoy life fully, if you have too much on your “to-do” list. You only will get annoyed by all the things you haven’t done yet. So today, sort through the junk drawer or your pile of junk on your countertop, pay your bills, iron that ever growing stack of clothes, sort out the mail, organize a kitchen cabinet or organize your clothes closet. Create order! Whatever you do, pick that one thing that will give you peace of mind, one less thing to worry about.

When you are done, sit down, stay still and soak up the feeling of relief. Enjoy the feeling and be proud of your accomplishment. Remember this feeling; it might come in handy when you tackle other projects in your home/life.

Reasons to be cheerful (this is a hard one today. I had big plans but the weather is going to be nasty):
1. Thunderstorms. Although they messed up my plans, I still love them.
2. There is no need to water the garden today…..nature will take care of that.
3. Sunny music. It makes every gloomy rainy day so much brighter.


qaminante said...

I've been trying to de-clutter for the longest time, succeeding in some areas, re-cluttering in others. But yes, I WILL do the ironing today!

kat said...

Okay I'll stop procrastinating and do the one thing I really need to do but have been putting off all week. It shouldn't take me too long but it will get rid of a big pile of paperwork that is cluttering up my study.

zoom said...

Today I finally got rid of several boxes of stuff that had been sitting in the front hallway. They belong to other people, and I've kept them conveniently near the front door for 4 months now, waiting for people to come and get them. I also hung a very large picture that was leaning against the hall wall. Now that the boxes and the picture are gone, the hallway is twice as wide! Thanks Dakota.

b o o said...

imma buddhist but probably not a very good one. the thing i own most of is books. will be difficult to pick one when the house is burning down :)

p/s hope the thunderstorm clears out soon

Dakota said...

Oh, I did the ironing too, Qaminante. I am pretty good at de-cluttering, but I really loathe ironing.

Nice little project, Kat. I hope you enjoyed it :)

You’re welcome Zoom!. I bet your hallway looks much more inviting and nicer now :) Great de-cluttering project!!

I know what you mean Boo. There once was a time when I kept a short stack of my favourite books (and photos) near the door so I could take them with me in case of a fire :)

Phil said...

I agree with this completely and clutter annoys me.

I'm really anally retentive and like order around me, as chaos and disorganisation throws me!
I'm in the middle of de-cluttering some areas at home, as I love to know where everything is when I open a cupboard or draw etc - although I can go a bit over the top sometimes. :)

Dakota said...

I don’t like clutter either DoGGa. I like order and everything in its right place. But sometime I let things slide a bit and than clutter finds a way to sneak in again :( Oh well….. Hurrah for de-cluttering days :)