Wednesday, June 21, 2006

How can something so simple become so hard to do?

Since the beginning of this year I’ve been thinking about changing my hairstyle. And did I change it……NO!!! Almost 6 months later I’m still wearing the same “wig”. Okay, it changed colour a couple of times but that’s all. So what’s the problem then? Well, when you have short hair like me, you have to let your hair grow so the hairstylists can figure out what they can do with it. You have to let your hair grow, so they can cut it all off again. Sounds crazy doesn’t it? But it’s the truth……unfortunately!

A couple of times these last few months I tried to let my hair grow, but I just can’t do it. Strange?!?! When you think about it, it’s not like I need to do something complicated. I just need to let it grow all by it’s self, in peace. And it grows all by itself, like it supposed to, but I can’t stand the image I see in the mirror. When it has grown 2 centimetres my old hairdo has vanished and I look like a homeless person and that is not a brilliant look since I have these job interviews to go to. So yesterday, I had it cut again……. in the same old, same old style. Booooooring! *Yawn*. I’m probably stuck with this hairdo until I get a job or till the day I die ;) But enough with the “drama”……..

Reasons to be cheerful:
1. Summer is here. Well not exatly.... it's raining, but it is officialy summer. Woohoo!
"Summertime.......And the living is easy"

2. I had a nice long walk in the rain. Sometimes, like today, I love that!
3. I received my free tickets.


b o o said...

i love playing in the rain as well :)

Dakota said...

Somehow I knew you would :)