Monday, June 26, 2006

Homeless blog

What do you really know about the homeless? A lot of us might think that the world of the homeless is a bit shady and some of us might even think it’s scary. Of course, they don’t travel the easy road in life, but they are not any more dangerous than the average homeowner. Maybe we are just scared because we know so little about them. In The Netherlands the homeless sell a special magazine which is filled with their news, thoughts and humour. Just this weekend I found out that you can learn a lot about being homeless on the internet too. In one of the weekly newsletters I receive, I came across the interesting story of the American homeless blogger Kevin Barbieux. After an article on Wired and a mention on his site had thousands of visitors. He has been blogging for years now (since 2002) and he blogs about his life (and that of others) and comment on the publics perceptions. Oh, and there are videos too. Interested? Check it out!

"There is more to homeless people than being homeless" - Kevin Barbieux

Reasons to be cheerful:
1. The Dutch football Team was send home yesterday. Hooray!
2. No more World Cup talk, no more orange stuff.
3. I received a funny and sunny postcard from someone I haven’t seen in quite a while. Such a great and wonderful surprise :)


Max said...

In the UK there is a magazine that the homeless sell to make money called the big issue.

dot said...

Most of us are just a paycheck or two away from homelessness. I don't see many homeless where I live, but some people are not obviously homeless...they live in their cars etc.

I always try to give a buck or two to homeless people. I don't know if it really helps, but it eases my guilt a little.

b o o said...

i agree with Paula. and yayy to no more orange schtuff, i dislike the color immensely :p

Dakota said...

The magazine they sell over here is a lot like “The big issue”, Max. The thought behind it is the same too. It enables homeless people to earn an income to help themselves.

I don’t see a lot of homeless people in my area either, Paula but I know they are around. I always buy the newest magazine from the same homeless lady and I always hope it helps her in some way.

You’re not the only one, Boo. Orange is a hideous colour :)

Phil said...

Interesting stuff!
I've had a bit of unprovoked bother in the past from drunken homeless people in London and Amsterdam, but normally they're fine.
I guess we could learn a lot from them and they would have a very different view on things we take for granted!

Points #1 and 2, yay for you... We're still going over here! :-(

Dakota said...

I have had a few strange (or unpleasant) meetings with homeless people too, DoGGa, but I’ve had some fun and interesting meet ups too. Like for instance the time I shared a large cream pie with a couple of them. I had received the pie as a gift from a client. Unfortunately it was a very hot summer’s day and I had to travel by train for a couple of hours. The pie wouldn’t have survived the trip. So instead of ending up with a spoilt pie, I shared it with a couple of homeless people.

Yup, you’re still going and you’ve to thank (or not) Beckham for that. Oh well, maybe “your team” will be sent home Saturday. I’ll keep my fingers crossed ;)

Andre Veloux said...

Its a fair question, for most of us the homeless are something of an out of sight out of mind concept. You know I have never met a homeless person.

Dakota said...

Oh….you’ve never met a homeless person? That’s odd, Andre. Go on…. Meet one!! :)