Thursday, June 22, 2006


Isn’t it strange how you can never forget things like for instance your first ever telephone number or birthdates of certain people? Like today, June 22, is Robert’s birthday. Robert was (and still is) kind of dear and special to me.

The first time I met him I was only 13 (a very troubled teen) and I, or should I say we as a family, had just moved to a brand-new neighbourhood in another city. The neighbourhood was so new it wasn't even a neighbourhood yet. I didn’t like the new place at first; it was kind of boring because we were one of the first families to move in so there weren’t any other kids to hang out with. But then Robert came by, he actually did came by...... he was our paperboy. Every night he delivered our evening paper. I don’t really remember why or how but at some point we started talking and later I accompanied him on his paper round. At the time he was (and he hopefully still is) two years older than me and in my opinion a man (read: boy) of the world. He was wise, he had travelled a lot, he was smart, had the cutest eyes ever and an amazing smile. I was shy, I had never left the country and I was curious. Not the best grounds to become friends but pretty soon we were having very long chats. At first he told me all I needed to know about the city we had moved to and later on our talks got more personal. We talked about family life, school, friends and so much more. We had fun and just enjoyed each others company. His paper round became a lot more interesting and my life wasn’t sooooo boring anymore. And he changed me! I wasn’t so shy and troubled anymore, I got interested in new things, I even started to like the city we had moved to. But good things never last! A year (or two, can’t remember that) later he finished his pre-university education and he was moving to another city to attend university. At the end of his last paper round we hugged, said our goodbyes and kissed……..and that was THE END.

No, not really! Two years later I saw him again. He still was an interesting guy, same sparkling eyes, and same amazing smile. It was like we never said goodbye. We had a long chat, promised to stay in touch but we never did. A shame really, it would have been nice if I could wish him a happy birthday today, but I haven’t seen him in a very long time. But still, Robert H…….e, should you ever read this, you are not forgotten!! Thanks for being there when I really needed a friend and for changing my life for the better.

Happy birthday special guy! You probably fulfilled all the dreams you once had and I hope you are really happy now, xoxo!

Reasons to be cheerful:
1. I survived another job interview. Well, it was more of an assessment this time. I don’t think I stand a chance because I am not the catwalk model in a power suit they are looking for. I am not quite sure what to think of that. I think I don’t want to be a model in a power suit. So maybe this is not a bad thing.
2. Walk on the beach. I love the sea breeze and the sound of the waves.
3. I finally answered an email which really annoyed me. I feel much better now :)


Max said...
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Max said...

Good luck with the interview process!
I've applied for 3 jobs this week as I'll be out of work in 5 weeks and 1 day, not that I'm counting

qaminante said...

It is strange the things we remember, I do still remember the birthdays of people I long ago lost touch with, as well as my first phone number and my parents' phone number from 1970-88. Yet I have real trouble remembering my current GSM (cellphone, mobile..) number, let alone where I put the bank card I used only the day before yesterday - and would like to use again tomorrow!

Phil said...

Cute story Dakota...
It is odd what we remember and I have a brain full of useless information from phone numbers, to my first mobile phone make and model number, to my dads car registrations when I was a child and names of famous actresses - normally the pretty ones for some odd reason! :)

I’m liking the reasons to be happy - keep them up. They are kind of the opposite of my reasons for being angry!

dot said...

Robert probably still thiinks about you, too.

About the job interview, I hope you get it, but if you don't then it wasn't meant to be.

Thank you for all your nice comments on my blog and my Flick account, Dakota. I appreciate it more than you can know.

dot said...

I'm having trouble typing this morning!

Dakota said...

Good luck to you too, Max. I hope you find your dream job soon :)

I can’t remember my own GSM number either, Qaminante. Well, I can remember most of it but I screw up the last 4 numbers. It can be pretty awkward when you discover that you gave the wrong number to a person.

Thanks DoGGa. I have a lot of useless info in my brain too. I don’t have the famous actresses though :)

You know what they say about opposites………….. ;)

Hi Paula, so nice to see you again. (Great picture :))
You deserve the comments; you are such a great writer and an amazing photographer. Oh and there is nothing wrong with your typing.... it's your computer ;)

I don’t know if Robert ever thinks of me. It would be nice if he did though :)