Saturday, June 03, 2006

I hate the world today!!

Well, that’s not true, but I have your attention now :) No, I don’t hate the world today, or any other day for that matter because I really really dislike the word hate and all that it stands for, but I just as easily could have.

For the first time in two weeks the day started out quite nice. (I am talking about the weather here). The temperature was nice, the sun was shining and even the wind turned into a soft breeze. Wow!
This usually means that the lovely weather deprived (I sometimes believe we are secretly part of the
United Kingdom…..) Dutch folk change into very agreeable people. Well not today! Today, all the hot and bothered, ill-tempered, grumpy and annoying people came out (of the asylum they are usually kept at on lovely days). I had my fair share of people who jumped the queue, pushed and shoved, growled (they actually did, I am not kidding), got annoyed because an elderly lady didn’t understand the new system in the library and were swearing because it was sooooo hot today (it’s only 17º C/62º F….Hot? That’s not HOT!). And to top it all off, this afternoon my hay fever kicked in. I was sitting in the sun, reading my book, enjoying a nice cup of green tea and then BAM!……. Runny nose, itchy tearing eyes and a splitting headache! :( Up until now I had no symptoms (duh!). The weather has been horrendous most of the time and I was secretly hoping I would skip the whole hay fever experience this year (I have it since 2004), but as it turns out, it is back! So it’s back on the antihistamine tomorrow.

But hey, let’s not get too depressed about this whole day, there were some pretty nice things too. Like that new family of swans (Mum, Dad and five little ones) I saw, the lovely flowering plant in my garden (a gift from nature), the granny with the priceless smile because I said thank you to her after she helped me with something. And there was that little girl on the back of her Dad’s bike. Big smile on her face, arms wrapped around her fathers waist, her feet in the pannier bags and giggling all the way. Who could be depressed, or hate the world, after all of that.


Dakota said...

Hooray indeed! :)

kat said...

I'm on the antihistamine too.

b o o said...

i get bad allergies too. i'm now on {flixonase} rather than pop antihistamines. do u have that over there?

Phil said...

Sorry to hear about your allergies. My wife and #1 son have them. I usually don't get bothered by that. I'm glad you were able to enjoy the little things in life.

Phil said...

Eh, there was a UK bad weather reference in there? Grrr, LOL

I have hay fever too, I use Beconase spray, Cetirizine tablets and sodium cromoglycate eye drops, ooh err.

People pushing into queues makes me growl and my blood boil!

Dakota said...

Sorry to hear that, Kat In Holland 1 in 6 people suffers from hay fever, so I guess I am the lucky one ;)

Thanks for the tip, {{Boo}}. I did some research on the web and as it turns out we have it too (on prescription only) :).

Every cloud, no matter how dark, has a silver lining Phil. We just have to take the time to look for it :)

Oh dear, you got it bad DoGGa (talking about the hay fever here) :). You are almost putting the whole medicine cabinet into your system :)