Sunday, February 11, 2007

Mind, Body & Soul Sessions (#29)

Create your own happiness

What would make you happy? A new job? A dishwasher? A trip around the world? A date with ___________________ (insert name of choice)? Winning the lottery? Any one of these might make you do a little happy dance, for a short while, but in reality pure joy and happiness comes from the inside out. Some people are blessed, they are born with the "happiness gene", but there is still hope for the rest of us because happiness might be genetically influenced but it's also influenced by the things we do. So, over the next couple of weeks I am going to post some things you can do to expand your happiness factor. Some of the tricks you will find here I’ve posted before and some of them are new, either way these are all tips that will help you to create more positive vibes in your life.

Adopt the habits of happy people
Great, but what do they do? Well, here is the shortlist :)

They accept change.
It's impossible to prepare for unexpected changes but when they come (and they will), you should welcome them and learn. Regardless of whether these changes are joyful or devastating, they will always advance you to another step on your life's path. Thankfully, life will go on, whatever might happen. If you can adapt and accept change, your journey will be much happier. Well I’ve talked about this before.

They refuse to keep score.
Healthy relationships requires a lot of giving and taking from both side. If someone is keeping score, relationships might fracture. The reverse is also true: When no one is keeping tabs, the relationship is likely to grow. So, don’t always expect something in return and accept the fact that there will be days where you’ll need to give more. Learn to do this with a smile.

They say thanks.
People who keep a weekly (or daily) gratitude journal feel better about their lives and are more optimistic about the upcoming week (or day) than those who record hassles, problems or neutral events. Need inspiration? This might get you started.

They reach out.
People who focus on others are happier. Being compassionate helps you to feel better about yourself. You can participate in a community project, volunteer, be a mentor or help out at a local hospital. If that’s not your cup of tea, maybe you can give this a go.

They like to bond.
Confiding in others is good for the body as well as for the soul. Of course there are other remedies to cure unhappiness but an intimate friendship with someone who cares deeply about you is one of the best remedies.

They choose optimism
Negativity zaps so much energy from you and comes back ten times stronger. Negativity is cold, dark and heavy on your soul. Being cheerful and optimistic on the other hand feels like a cool summer breeze. Optimism is light, sweet and airy. Try it sometime and you may never go back. Tips to get you started:
  • Try to change every negative thought into a positive one,
  • Let go of the “worst case scenarios”, always assume the best from people and situations.
  • Hang around positive people. Negative people drain your energy and pull you into their fears.
  • Make positive affirmations and keep repeating them. In the end you’ll start to believe them.

    Phil said...

    A date with *blank* Dakota *blank* ;)

    The book I'm reading at the moment covers all this so closely and it's all good, useful stuff...
    Nicely compiled Dakota...
    Hope you've had a happy weekend :)

    Anonymous said...

    Will a date with my beautiful partner do? She does it for me.
    Nice one, Dakota
    Just a pity I hate going to work

    KJ's muse said...

    Oh, you would have change as the first item on your list! :))

    Well done.

    p.s. finally got your question answered... ;)

    b o o said...

    i'm sitting in the office, its Monday morning, most people are disoriented, maybe Monday morning blues. I'm not taken in, i'm smiling & talking to them, asking them about their weekend, hoping that they feel better soon.

    hope your weekend was nice {{Dakota}}

    p/s i love your mind, body & soul sessions, wonderful reads :)

    Dakota said...

    Whahaha…. lol DoGGa, a date with me………
    Oh, hold on….you might be talking about Dakota Fanning ;)

    Must be a very good read, enjoy :)

    Of course you can date your partner, Lord Hutton. I think it’s brilliant that you want to go with M, IMO that means that your relationship is still going strong :)

    Sure, I need to have change on the top of my list, KJ’s Muse :)
    I just skimmed your blog because I don’t have much time at the moment. I’ll read it more thoroughly and will leave some comments later today (or tomorrow). Thanks for taking the time to answer my question :)

    Brilliant, {{Boo}}! You really are one of the happy few :)

    b o o said...

    btw, is your friend feeling better?

    Dakota said...

    Thanks for asking Boo. I'll post about it later