Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The continuing nightmare.

Beautiful Boo left a comment yesterday in which she asked about my friend. So, I started to leave a remark there but it got a bit long so instead I’ll make a post out of it :)

The condition of my friend is pretty much stable at the moment. It hasn’t improved much and things haven’t gotten worse, so we made plans so he could go home on Saturday. But did he actually go? No, of course not……and here is why.

On Friday he had physiotherapy in the morning and he felt great afterwards. In the afternoon he had an appointment with my GP for his medical file. Around 3 o’clock he left my house with a spring in his step, feeling cheerful about going home on Saturday. Thirty minutes later though all the cheerfulness was gone when he called me on my mobile….and here is why.

When he entered the doctor’s office he asked the assistant for his dossier. ‘Well’ the assistant said ‘I can’t hand it over to you right now because the doctor wants to see you first’. My friend swallowed hard and waited his turn in the waiting room. Only five minutes later the doctor was ready to see him. After exchanging some pleasantries the doctor asked him about his condition. My friend said he was well enough to go home on Saturday. ‘Great’ my GP said ‘but I am still not confident you are well enough to let you go, after all, we still don’t know what is wrong with you. You know what; I’ll call the local hospital for a CT scan. If they (the neurologists) can’t find anything wrong with you, you can go home tomorrow’* My GP called the hospital and made an appointment for 45 minutes later and that’s why my friend called my on my mobile. I had to pick him up at the doctor’s office and accompany him to the hospital (my GP didn’t want my friend to go alone).

So there I was, sitting in the ER on a Friday afternoon, not exactly the nicest place to be on a Friday afternoon, doing the thing most people do in an ER……worrying! What a stressful place and even though we only came for a CT, they had been warned in advance, they still did the whole triage bit. Around 6:30 we were back at my place with a new appointment in our pocket for a MRI on Monday because they had seen something on the CT scan which they couldn’t place. Yesterday he had his MRI and again they spotted something strange and again the neurologists are not sure what it is. So in the next couple of days a radiologist is going to examine all the images and we will know more on Thursday. Hopefully they don’t find anything horribly wrong with him (fingers crossed) so he can go home on Friday. However if they do find something he wants to be treated in his own hospital so he probably will go home by the end of the week.

* I think he just wanted to cover his ass


Phil said...

Lets hope all will be OK with your friend; he must be rather worried! :[
You're doing a fine job Dakota!

Dakota said...

LOL, Boo :) We don’t have hospital gowns here! Or maybe we have, but I just haven’t seen them yet!

And don’t you worry I am taking care of myself :)

Thanks DoGGa :)
He is rather worried now. The neurologist just called and we have to be in hospital again tomorrow afternoon. Next on the menu…..a Lumbar puncture.

Andre Veloux said...

Stay with it Dakota, you are keeping it all together for everyone it seems. Hope it turns out ok.

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Lordy, Dakota, your friend must consider himself blessed to have you looking after him. I hope the news starts to get better for him.

Dakota said...

Thanks Andre & Aoj. The lumbar puncture was unsuccessful today; they weren’t able to get any cerebrospinal fluids. They’re going to give it another go next Wednesday

Anonymous said...

I don't like that ominous feeling you get when the medical community converges on you with all their diagnostic tests, treating you like you're some kind of medical mystery, and looking deep inside your body for the worst possible outcome. I hope your friend is okay Dakota.

Dakota said...

He is starting to feel like a lab rat about now, Zoom!
Hopefully they come to a conclusion soon.