Thursday, July 20, 2006

What else is seeping out of my body through my sweat glands?

Probably a lot of stuff I don’t want to know about, but I am suspecting that my inspiration is leaving the temple (a.k.a my body) through these glands too. I can absolutely not come up with any original blog idea. Sorry folks!! It’s another weather related post (or question in this case) and this time it’s about food.

What do you eat when temperatures are high?

I am always drinking a lot more when it’s hot and I eat a lot less because my appetite has almost completely vanished. This concept would be great if I was on a diet but I am not. I don’t need or want to lose weight, so I am force-feeding myself ;) No just kidding, but I refuse to skip meals….. people need to eat! So I treating myself to all sorts of salads, because a) they are cold and b) I like salads. But by now I’ve eating every salad (green-, pasta- , chicken- , fruit- , tuna- and salmon salads) I can think of but there must be more stuff I can eat without getting hot flashes (no, I am not “going through the change”….it’s the weather :)) after every bite. So my question to you: What do you eat when it’s hot?

Please don’t feel obligated to answer, but it would be great if you did though :)


Phil said...

I get 'writers block' all the time, so I no longer post everyday like I used to and perhaps you should do the same?
Unless posting everyday is something you need to do, why not spend the time doing something else you enjoy or learning something new, don't feel you have to blog everyday.
Your post may get even better if you leave it a day or two between publishing to let the creativity build up! :]

I'd go with salads; they're great and there's an infinite combination of ingredients.

Dakota said...

It’s kind of odd to discover that we come up with roughly the same ideas at the same time, DoGGa. Earlier I was thinking about taking a little break from blogging :) Odd……

I don’t feel I need to post every day, but I like to post something everyday. It sounds the same, but it feels different (at least to me).

Thanks for the advice! x

Andre Veloux said...

There's only one thing for a hot day: cucumber sandwiches.

Dakota said...

Oh yummy yum ... cucumber sandwiches!!
I am going to make one now! Thanks for the tip Andre :)

Andre Veloux said...

I've thought of another, though I have never made it that well myself, I have a friend who makes great Gazpacho soup.

Dakota said...

How could I forget about Gazpacho....silly me! I even made it a while back! Thanks again Andre