Friday, July 14, 2006

What has been on your mind lately?

Not much to blog about today, so here are some random thoughts a.k.a a rubbish post :)

The Netherlands, that's in the UK, right?
I don’t know why, but an American lady seems to think I live in the UK although my profile states I live in The Netherlands. Okay, I know some Americans think Europe is one big country and others believe that Holland is part of Scandinavia or Eastern Europe, but I’ve never heard that we were part of the UK. Oh, there are also people who believe that Holland isn’t any bigger than Amsterdam…….must be the drugs!

Apparently there are a lot of sad and lonely people in cyberspace.
Yesterday I placed my ‘thank you’ note online. I couldn’t do it anonymously so I opened a new Gmail account just for this occasion. I never expected to receive any mail because I didn’t make an appeal or anything, so I was quite surprised to find a couple of emails in the new inbox this morning. At first I thought it would be spam, but no, it actually turned out to be real mail from people who are lonely, single or bored. People who tell their whole life story to people they don’t know. And the real sad part, they even don’t take the time to figure out if you are a man or a woman. One of the email started with “Are you the man of my dreams?”………ehm….. NO! Or how about this one “At the moment I am living with my b-friend and our daughter. We have been together for 4 years now, but the love and excitement is gone. I miss the tenderness; we live like brother and sister now. I am going to leave my b-friend as soon as I find the next love of my life. Are you him?” Ehmm…….NOPE! Sad isn’t it! She’s already window-shopping while she still is in a relationship.

I still haven’t found what I was looking for
For no apparent reason at all, I want to know more about gang handshakes a.k.a. the slide or the home(y) slide (the handshake that is used by gangs, rappers and kids). There seems to be no information at all. What I want to know is this: Does all the different hand positions mean anything? Why do they lock thumbs? What does it mean? Help!!

Women must work
The Dutch government and trade unions say women must return to the workforce and not tomorrow but today. Good idea! I want to work for money…, if they would be so kind to offer me a nice job or at least point me in the direction of all the jobs they are talking about, I would really appreciate it. I emailed one of the guys who introduced this plan some time ago…..I am still waiting for his answer!

Glow sticks
The free glow stick I got at the concert stopped glowing today *snif*. I am a bit amazed….it took the thing 6 days to die :)

Okay, enough rubbish. For some real entertainment…..check out this video, it made me smile :)

Reasons to be cheerful:
1.Creating a blog post out of absolutely nothing.
2.The online community I’ve set up last week is being used and the others seem to be satisfied.
3. Butterflies. This morning I was walking near the river and all of a sudden a butterfly landed on my shoulder. It sat there a while before taking off again. Funnily enough it followed me all the way home. Nature is great!


qaminante said...

Maybe the confusion over where you live is because of your excellent English. Ah well, at least the UK and the Netherlands are both Kingdoms, whether United or not..
Do you include freemasons in gangs. They are supposed to have a special handshake although I presume it is generally hidden from view, unlike the gang ones.
Ah but you might have misunderstood what they meant by women returning to the workforce - maybe they need someone to do the low-paid, precarious jobs that are beneath the notice of the important people (i.e. men)?

Dakota said...

Well thanks for the compliment, Qaminate :)

I don’t think the freemasons are a gang. I would classify them more as a cult or a secret(ive) society. They seem to have a secret handshake but I’ve never seen it. They have a lodge near a friends house and I’ve seen them come and go, but when they shake hands it’s always the “normal” type of shake.

I think you are right about the low-paid, precarious jobs. To be honest, that was exactly the first thought that entered my mind when they first started talking about it. I’ll keep my eye on the news; maybe they’ll be clearer about the type of jobs in the future.

I like to try and go with the flow, Stu. If I am able to figure out what they expect I’ll give it my best shot, I even do slide-type of handshakes if I need too. But it would be nice if someone could tell what it was all about. Even people, who seem to do it all the time, aren’t sure about the meaning or ‘code’ (or if there even is a ‘code’) Thanks for your interesting comment :) Hopefully one day someone will enlighten us, it would be interesting to know if your theory is correct or not :)

Phil said...

I'm surprised your average American knows that anything except the USA exists, honestly.
I was over in New York a few years ago and watching the main news only covers the USA! Watching in Europe, you get both local and world stories, but in the US, it only covers the states, it's really odd and spooky. The half-hour news ends and nothing outside the US has been covered.

I like glow sticks and other ‘glowy’ things, and yes it always amazes me just how long they take to die too! :]

A good random post indeed.

Dakota said...

Thank you DoGGa!

I’ve been to the States a couple of times and I was quite amazed by the media. When you are there it’s very hard to keep track of European news. It’s almost like the world isn’t any bigger then the USA and that is scary!! You almost start to think that the rest of the world has vanished or that you come from an different planet or something. This lady knows there is more to the world because she has relatives in the UK :)

Glow sticks rule :)