Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Click on the cartoon for a larger image!


Anonymous said...

For one moment, during last week, I thought it would become spring, but then the snow starts to fall again (like you've shown in the picture of another post). Sad me!

After that winter, I've an ultimate desire for spring time. Can't stand the ugly weather anymore.

qaminante said...

I don't think I've ever heard so many people at this time of year longing for the Winter to end. As I read somewhere yesterday: "we want Spring, we want Spring, ..."!

Dakota said...

I’m a bit fed up with it too. It has been dark and gloomy long enough now….. it’s time for a bit of sunshine and bright light. At least you are in California now Wanderingthinker and it might not be hot, at least it is 10 degrees C warmer :)

Ehmm… It could just be that you read that on my blog or flickr page Qaminante. Phil is very enthusiastically leaving those kinds of messages and that’s okay….. I am ready for a bit of spring too :)