Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The natives are getting restless.

Or at least one native is getting restless and that one native is me. The last couple of days (actually it was a week) I haven’t been feeling quite right. All my friends were in bed with the flu and my recalcitrant body couldn’t decide to invite the flu in, or show it were the exit was. (Make up your mind woman ehm…. body!) So, one minute I was feeling quite all right and the next I had a temperature and the sniffles, a cough and no energy at all. But that ship has sailed. My body finally made up her mind and has shown the bugging bug the door. Hooray!

Now I have a different bug and I think it would be safe to say that it is the world-famous spring bug. Never heard of it? I didn’t either, guess I just made that one up, but nevertheless spring is bugging me. Or to be more exact, the absence of spring is bugging me and I am in desperate need of some spring. I can’t help it, I feel all that energy flowing again and I can’t do anything with it. Of course you can do things in the winter too, but for these kinds of things you really need some spring weather. Wouldn’t it be nice to work in the garden again, to ride a bike to a remote place and have a picnic, to have a glass of wine outside a nice café, to hike, go to a music festival or the beach, take pleasure in the sunshine while enjoying a good book and a nice cup of tea? Pfff… I can’t wait and I’m getting sick and tired of this dull cold weather! But there is nothing to be done; I have to wait a little bit longer. Bummer!

Today’s another grey day, only 41 degrees F/5 degrees C :( and it is still freezing at night. That doesn’t seem right now, does it! We, or at least I, need a spring ritual or something, just to speed things up a little bit :)


Phil said...

Dakota, I'm glad you showed the flu the door. I have Spring fever too. I can't wait for it to get here already. It's still getting in the 20's at night by us and the 40's in the day. I know it's right around the corner

Max said...

I miss the warm weather 8-(

kat said...

The weather was a little better here today and I've noticed that the evenings are starting to get lighter but, yes, I do wish spring would hurry up. On the whole it's very depressing at the moment.

qaminante said...

It was sunny today here in Brussels, though with a biting North wind! We all have a Spring ritual coming up this weekend, when we lose an hour springing forward to "summer" time.. things have to improve after that, surely?! My friend has snowdrops in her garden, but the crocuses are ready to bloom. Not long now..

Dakota said...

I’m so glad that I’m not the only one who’s looking forward to spring and nice warm weather. Today was a good day actually, sunshine the whole day….. woohoo! Only thing left to do now is getting rid of that terrible cold and nasty north/north-easterly wind. Brrr!
I hope this wasn’t just a one off because now I WANT MORE :)

I hope Kew Gardens is right Stu :)

You have spring fever, Phil? You got to be kidding me ;) I know you have! (that is probably why you went kayaking in that cold weather :))

Same here Max

I know how you feel Kat. Usually the weather doesn’t get me down, but this has been going on way to long!

You are a lucky lady Qaminante. See, living more southern has its advantages :)
My crocuses are ready to bloom too; they just need a bit more warmth.

zoom said...

Ever since we had one unusually warm day a couple of weeks ago, I haven't been able to get warm enough. The normal days seem cruelly cold. I've had to start wearing more layers and warmer boots, and I'm still shivering.

I don't know why I fall for the cosmic joke of False Spring every single year!