For this project they questioned 29 (why not 30?!) married and single women. Women, who rated their relationship as a high quality one, admitted having more unpleasant dreams then singles or unhappy women. In those unpleasant dreams the partner often has a leading part. They committed adultery, had an accident or ran off.
Explanation by the researchers:
People who are happy have a lot to lose and when people have a lot to lose, they stress about it unintentionally. It may not show in day to day life, but you see this back in their dreams.
Hmmz… I must be very happily not in love because I have pretty weird or disturbing dreams from time to time too, or maybe it is just something in the water ;)
So it would seem every cloud has a lead lining! Interesting theory, but I would have thought people who aren't in love might also have disturbing dreams, just about different subjects. I wonder how the researchers are assessing "disturbing" - and whether new parents begin to have disturbing dreams because they are worrying about their offspring.
Wow….that must have been one big bad dream, Stu
I don’t know if new parents begin to have disturbing dreams because they are worrying about their offspring, Qaminante. Let’s just ask. Are there new parents in the house (or reading my blog)? Do you get bad dreams when you have a baby?
You don't have time to dream when you have a new baby. You're lucky if you get any sleep at all :-)
(I have a long memory)
Oh, Snowqueen you are right. You are lucky if you get any sleep at all! :)
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