Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Sometimes friends make you smile and they don’t know why (a.k.a. funny situations)

Most of my friends don’t know I do a lot of (in their eyes) silly things online and that is just fine by me. But it can lead to some funny situations.

Like for instance the time I was out and about with one of my friends. It was when I was hunting 43’s. I asked him to stop the car so I could take a picture of a 43,0 hectometre sign. He looked at me all puzzled, like I was weird or something, but stopped the car. I took the picture and happily returned to car. Of course he wanted me to explain why I was all of a sudden fascinated by the number 43. I only told part of the story and I told him that it was just another one of my weird projects (I have them on a regular basis :)) – Photograph 43 things with the #43 on them. He seemed satisfied with that explanation, so we didn’t talk about it anymore. Later that week he sends me an email in which he said: I did some research and did you know there are more people who have this weird fascination with the number 43? There is even a group at! (duh!)And even more surprisingly there is a site called 43things (oh!), I thought that might interest you :) Hmm… that left me flabbergasted for a while. Funnily enough he had not found my page on 43T.

Same goes for my blogging. It is not a big secret or anything and if someone who knows me in RL comes across my blog, I would not have a problem with it, but I’m just not talking about it. I’m not sure why I don’t talk about it, it’s not like I have to be ashamed or anything. Hmm… I think it has to do with censorship. Now I can write about….. well, whatever I fancy and I truly believe that it would change if I knew that certain people were reading it. Strange hey? The funny situation in this story? Just the other day one of my friends was dropping of some stuff and she also brought over a book called:

Blogging for Dummies!

There are currently nine million blogs, with 40,000 new ones created every day; 25 percent of Internet users say they read blogs, and 9 percent say they've created one. This book walks people through what they need to know to launch a blog, maintain it, publicize it, syndicate it, and even make money from it. Topics covered include choosing a Weblog host such as or TypePad, hosting a blog on one's own, solving blog problems, working with blogging software (Movable Type, Greymatter, Radio Userland), and delving into RSS syndication. It offers tips from veteran bloggers, a rundown of Blogosphere protocol, savvy pointers on earning revenue from a blog, and advice on specialized blogs such as podcasts, vlogs, and photo and MP3 blogs

Somehow she thought that blogging might just be my thing…….I don’t know where she got that idea from ;) Well…… I guess my friends know me.


Phil said...

I know what you mean Dakota, there are people I know who know I blog but I never showed them the URL. They didn't ask, I didn't tell (like in the Army). I feel I can be free(er) with what I post since really no one knows me for real (well, one person does but they never comment on the site, only in person). That's a funny story about the 43. I can imagine you having him stop the car and him giving you a puzzled look.

b o o said...

most of my friends know of my kooky goofy quirky ways, including blogging, fiendster, 43things & ebay-ing....

so glad phil bummed into me, and then me onto u :)

qaminante said...

Know just what you mean - in my case things took off when I acquired a digital camera. I always did have strange enthusiasms, but it was more discreet when I just walked around thinking "I wonder how many different types of bootscraper there are", instead of whipping out a camera to photograph them, or a sign, or the menu or something! Friends in the real world are gradually learning where the results are likely to end up. It's nice to know others share some of our weird habits!

kat said...

Lots of people know I blog but they don't know the address.
Ummm - They may do but they don't let on.

Dakota said...

Hahaha, I have that army type thingy too, Phil. If they don’t ask, I won’t tell :) (Or I’ll only give them my name, rank and number ;))

We are just a couple of interesting, colorful, funny, smart and witty bumper cars boo

You are not alone qaminante “We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness”

Oh, never thought of that Kat. Just another thing to think about :)