Thursday, March 02, 2006

Just another story caught up in a photograph.

This morning I took a little trip down memory lane. I got some old boxes and albums filled with photos out and started flicking through them. These guys from my past (and wanderingthinker's comment the other day ;)) had made me curious, was there something special about me when I was so much younger? In my memory I was just a loner, a shy little tomboy, who liked to climb trees, swings, built tree houses, run and played outdoors a lot. I must have loved my little Wellington boots because I wear them a lot in the early pictures. I also discovered I was behind bars at a very young age :). Oh, and I loved to ride horses because I’m on quite a few. To be more accurate, my dad loved horse so he took us out riding a lot. But honestly I can’t pinpoint why these guys have such an extensive memory of me. When I look at my school pictures I’m just one of the kids. I couldn’t identify something specific or extremely special… was me, just plane old me and hey, I see me everyday :) Oh well, that is not completely accurate, what I saw in the pictures was a much younger version of me :)

Maybe I should just ask them. That might be an option! Hey, I can’t help it, I’m curious! It always amazes me, that when you ask people about these sort of things, they always come up with a totally different picture of you. It could be interesting to see which picture (version of me) they have in their minds.

At least I can thank them for my trip down memory lane. It was very enjoyable, some pictures made me laugh out loud, made me smile, others made me cry and they made me think of these lyrics:

“It's just another story caught up in another photograph I found.
and it seems like another person lived that life a great many years ago from now,

When I look back on my ordinary, ordinary life,
I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time.
when I look back on my ordinary ordinary, ordinary life,
I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time.”

Jamie Cullum – Photograph

Yes my life is pretty ordinary, but there has been (and there still is) a lot of magic too :)


Phil said...

What a cutie you are! I always love looking at old photos of me and my family. My brother had unearthed some old reel to reel audio tapes my father had made in the early 60's a while ago and put some of them on cassette tapes. I was listening to it a few days ago. There was some of my Dad playing his harmonica, it brought back a very pleasant memory for me.

qaminante said...

Memory is the weirdest thing, I found the alumni website of one of my old schools a few years ago and have been in touch with a few people I remember (one of whom doesn't remember me at all, while another has clearly confused me with someone else) and others have contacted me who claim to remember me, yet I either don't remember them or have only the vaguest memory of a name or face. Obviously you made more of an impression on your admirers than they made on you!

Dakota said...

I love looking at old family pictures too, Phil. Especially with my Mum because she also has a lot of pictures of my ancestors and no matter how often we look at those photographs she always comes up with new and interesting stories.
Funny coincidence that you mentioned cassette tapes in your comment. A while ago, I was visiting my mother and we were sorting out some old cassette tapes. There was an unmarked one and that was a bit strange. Curiously we wondered what could be on it, so we played it. There was some outdated music on it that was rudely interrupted by a chat between my Mum and Dad (I guess someone had accidentally pressed the record-button or something). It was so strange to hear my Dad’s voice and laughter again….. so, strange that, at first, I couldn’t even remember what was said on the tape. I have a copy of the tape now so I can listen to it whenever I want :) Same goes for you, I guess!
Memory certainly is the weirdest thing qaminante. I know most names and faces but can’t remember much more. I’ve been in contact with people who still know everything about excursions or things that happened in class. I sometimes think they live more in the past then I do, I’m more a here and now person. Oh, and isn’t weird when people confuse you with someone else. That has happened to me too.