Monday, March 06, 2006

Who came up with that idea?

This morning I wanted to brush my teeth, so I held my electric toothbrush in one hand and the toothpaste in the other. I twisted the cap of the tube of toothpaste and gave the tube a little pinch…..huh, nothing? That could not be, I had just bought new toothpaste (funky blue with white stripes :)). So, attempt two: I gave the tube a real squeeze. Still nothing! Huh…..flabbergasted I looked at the tube and I really started to think about brushing my teeth without toothpaste for once because I really wasn’t in the mood for a struggle with a non-cooperating tube of toothpaste. But I decided against it because that wouldn’t leave me with clean teeth and a fresh breath, now would it?

Third time lucky, I thought and gave it another try. I put down my electric toothbrush, grabbed the tube with both hands and gave it a real hard squeeze. Hooray….toothpaste, just the size of a pea, but enough! While I was happily brushing my eyes darted through the rest of the bathroom and all of a sudden I noticed that many things come in plastic tubes these days. Hand cream, body lotion, and facial cream and hair products. I suddenly realised that I have to struggle every day to get things out of tubes. Who on earth came up with the idea of putting all these products in tubes? Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against tubes, but plastic tubes? What was wrong with the old collapsible, easy to roll up aluminium tubes? At least when you used those, the product was willing to come out! Nowadays you have to tube wrestle to get something out.

And how about this, did you know that about a 10% (or even more) of the product will never see a ray of light. When you think the plastic tube is empty, there is still a lot product left. You don’t believe me? Cut one open (be careful :)) when you think you are finished with it :)

Hmmz… it must have been a manufacturer who came up with the plastic tube idea. The sooner we dispose of one of his tubes, the sooner we buy new! Wow, that is ingenious way of making money. His company must be a multinational by now! :)


qaminante said...

My toothpaste is funky blue with white stripes in a plastic tube too... and the tube is currently inserted into a gadget (strawberry-huller!), which keeps the flat end rolled up, as I found necessary to keep the toothpaste at the business end of the tube...
The worst tubes of this type are the ones that have wide round plastic tops with a flip cap, that they are supposed to stand on; I have to take the whole top off and virtually stand on the fat end to get the last bits (e.g. handcream) out of that sort of tube.
So you are not alone in your stuggles with plastic tubes. Mind you, I heard a strange noise in my washing machine the other day which turned out to be from an almost-finished metal tube of Germalene (antiseptic) that must have fallen in the laundry basket - at least a plastic one would not have made such a racket!

Dakota said...

So Stu , I either need to find a guy who is willing to consume the last of my toothpaste or I need to learn this intricate folding technique :)

Or I could go for the other option, get a gadget like Qaminante did.
And btw Qaminante I know the type of tubes you mean. At one point all that comes out of the tube is air and no product. When you take the whole top of there is still enough product to last you another week or so :)

b o o said...

i just cut out the other end & cover it with saran wrap to prevent it from drying out. this works for most things, from toothpaste to moisturizer :)

p/s if u wanna try stu's way, u may wanna consider a clothes peg to hold the roll up bit ;)

Dakota said...

Oh you are such a clever lady boo.
I’ve never thought about using a clothes peg :)

And it is a great comfort to know that I’m not the only one who cuts up tubes :D

Phil said...

I found this Dakota

Dakota said...

Oh, that is a handy gadget, Phil. Thanks :)