While I was reading my email I noticed they mentioned a closing date in the email. The result should be in by now and the prizewinners would be announced on the website. Quickly (not really, what is the chance of me winning something…… 1 in 250.000 or something) I visited the site and after scrolling past lots of award winners I finally ended up at my desired destination, the list of prizewinners and believe it or not, my name was on the list…… in lights :D Of course not in real lights, but in bold capital letters :) Cool! Hooray! Hurrah! … I’ve won something :) Not sure what I’ve won yet :( but that doesn’t really matter. It is nice to be surprised.
Hmm, hold your horses, wait a minute, maybe someone else entered with the same name….that is possible :| , isn’t it? Okay, what are the chances? Oh well, if I did really win I’ll receive an email soon with more information. I’ll keep you posted :)