Thursday, February 16, 2006

Taking a break!

I am taking a break from blogging for a while.

I don’t know when I’ll be back, could be in a couple of days, could be next week or next month.

No special reason, I just need some space, get some fresh ideas and perspective. I hope to “see” you all when I get back :)


Anonymous said...

Gonna miss your daily post. Hope to read you soon.

Is your writers block that serious, or to just plan to leave the beaten path and have to take a big breath before. Whatever your reason may be, my best wishes on the way.

kat said...

........ but we will miss you. Come back soon.

b o o said...

enjoy your break {{Dakota}} miss u

Dakota said...

Thank you all for your kind words :)
I'm going to miss you too..... "see" you soon, I'll be back :)

JuliaR said...

We'll be waiting.

Phil said...

Enjoy your break Dakota, I know the feeling all too well. Your positive energy is always part of me, even if I don't visit you everyday. I look forward to your return

Rayya Ghul said...

Look forward to seeing you back - have a good break!

Pookledo said...

Have a nice break.