Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Message in a bottle

This is one of my 43things. It sounds simple, drink a bottle of wine, write a message, put it in a bottle and throw the thing in the sea. On 43things however I found a description of how to go about this the best way. Maybe you want too do this to so here is the advice:

Message in a bottle.
So, you want to send a message in a bottle? I would advise doing it like this: Get a good and sturdy bottle. Determine the message that you want to make. Write it down in clear block printed letters. Get contact paper or laminate the paper. If you want to be contacted, make sure that you give an address or email address that is going to be good for a long, long time. It can take years for your bottle to be found. Make sure that the bottle is completely dry on the inside. It will be exposed to water and any moisture could destroy the contents. Now, roll your paper up, and insert it into the bottle. Here is the fun part. I always put things into my bottle to gather the attention of people on the shore. Glitter, ribbons on the INSIDE of the bottle (Safe for fish and turtles and such) and even a small prize like a whistle or something. Think flashy. You want to attract attention. Seal your bottle. Attach the lid. Close it over with duct tape. You may want to pour melted wax over the bottle after, make sure it only goes over the lid. Drop it in the large body of water and begin your wait!

I’m still thinking about the message I want to send. Should it be something inspirational, something personal or just a nice letter? Maybe a note with the lines “Congratulations, you’ve just found a message in bottle” is enough. I’ve still got some thinking (and drinking) to do. But one thing I know for sure… I’m going to complete this thing because every time i’ve gone to the beach i’ve thought about how cool it would be to find one message in a bottle …so maybe I can make someone’s day for no real reason…

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