Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Lose weight and keep it off.

I lost 20 kilo’s (or 44 pounds as they say in other places around the world). I did this some time ago but I’m still proud of the result because after all this time I’m still on my goal weight.

Some hints & tips that might help others:
  • Don’t diet. Since I don’t believe in diets, I achieved this without one. So, whatever you do, don’t go on a diet. Diets make you lose weight quickly but once you resume your normal eating habits, you gain the weight back quicker then you lost it, plus some extra kilo’s or pounds. I tried and tested that, so I know what I’m talking about. Your best bet is to change your lifestyle, one baby step at a time.
  • Make your own plan. Specify how much weight you want to lose, set a realistic timeline. Don’t expect to see huge results over night.
  • Exercise. If you don’t exercise, start now! Try new things. Walk, swim, ride a bike, fitness, run, dance whatever…if you move, you burn calories (your metabolism speeds up) and fat. I figured out what sort of exercise I liked and then made a 30 minute routine out of it. Another way to go is walk. 30 minutes each day will make a great difference. Especially as you, like me, never exercised that much.
  • Drink water. Drinking water cleans your system. It also gives you a full feeling so you don’t feel so hungry all the time. It’s best to drink 8 glasses or 2 liters a day. If you don’t like plane water, ad some lime or lemon.
  • Food. Sugar is a big no no! The same goes for fried food and fast food. Vegetables, fish, small portions of meat, fruits and fibers are great. Same goes for spices. Try new things, you might be amazed! Eat smaller portions. If you like big plates stashed with food, get smaller plates. Stop eating when you are full even if there is still food left on your plate. Be aware of every bite that you put in your mouth, taste the food. If you focus on your food you will feel full earlier. And shut down your eating at least two hours before bedtime.
  • Weigh. Weigh and measure yourself on the same day and the same time every week. Don’t go near the scales if it’s not your weigh day. Your weight may fluctuate on a daily basis so it may only discourage you.
  • And above all…..see this experience as an adventure and enjoy the ride! Even weight loss can be fun!

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