Thursday, January 25, 2007

Nurse Dakota.

Last Friday evening one of my friends came over for the weekend. He was supposed to stay until Sunday, but let’s just say he never left. Today it’s Thursday and he is still here and not by choice btw.

Sunday morning he woke up with a terrible headache, vomiting and sore neck/shoulders and it became so bad, I had to call a medical helpline. Like always, their advice was bed rest, paracetamol, domperidone and “please call us again if there is no improvement”. Well things improved and today my friends had planned to go home, but he is still here.

All the symptoms are back, even worse then before, so I called my GP, or the guy formally known as my GP. Turns out he officially wasn’t my GP anymore, but now he is again. Huh? Here is the strange story. My immune system, blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol are all A-okay so I am rarely sick enough to visit a GP. Years can pass without me seeing him even once. At the moment I can’t even remember my last visit. I always thought that was a good thing because GP’s always complain about the patient load they have, but boy was I wrong. When you don’t take up any of your doctor’s time, you are rewarded with a deregistration. Now how stupid is that? I assume they think something like “Oh well, she doesn’t need a doctor, I am not getting any richer from having her as a patient, so she no longer is one of my patients”

It took me a quite some time to convince them I actually was one of their patient and then the same amount of time to convince them to see me friend. In the end they agreed to see us around 1. It became quite a journey, but I’ll spare you the gory details. Oh and here is what the doc’ had to say: 'bed rest, paracetamol, domperidone and I like to see him again next Monday or Tuesday'. How refreshing. Well, thanks for nothing I guess! But he did draw some blood for testing, so who knows, we might know more next week. Guess I’ll be playing the role of nurse a bit longer!

In other news.
Yesterday the insurance guy called. He has approved the estimates I had sent him, so they are going to transfer the money. Hooray, repairs can be carried out very soon. I am one happy nurse :)


Anonymous said...

Poor Nurse Dakota! And poor patient - it's bad enough being sick, but being a sick houseguest is awful. I hope he gets better soon, for both your sakes.

b o o said...

oh dear, i hope your friend feels better soon :)

Phil said...

Dakota Nightingale!
I thought you'd 'got-lucky' at first then :0)
Let's hope he gets better soon, although I'm sure he's in capable hands :]

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

What a lovely person you are! I hope your friend gets better soon!

And Hurrah for insurance!

Anonymous said...

You look very fetching in your nurse's uniform;-)

Dakota said...

Thanks for the nice comments {{guys & gals}}!

Well, I hope he feels better soon too, Zoom! He’s feeling a bit better today, but the fact that he got sick while he was staying with me makes him feel awful.

Of course I didn’t ‘get-lucky’ DoGGa, don’t be ridiculous ;-)

LOL, Lord Hutton. If you are referring to the picture, I can only add that I look like a drama queen too :)