Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down

Ever since I had that dream about the baggage and the luggage I’ve been feeling a bit off balance. I’ve been up/down, high/low, happy/sad, angry/serene……you name it, I’ve been it. A weird feeling for a Libra btw who likes a lot of things pretty balanced. You could compare my feelings with PMS (times 10). For a while I thought things were really going down hill. I saw myself sliding back in that famous black whole called depression again, but I put a halt to it in time.

Usually I don’t pay much attention to my dreams, but I kept having the same dream over and over again (even after I blogged about it) so I had to do something. I went on soul-searching expedition and discovered that I needed to change some things.

I figured the baggage part out. I was holding on to a friendship that wasn’t a friendship anymore. In my opinion friendship is, among other things, about give and take and if one is doing all the giving and the other is just taking, things never work out. I was investing a lot of time and energy in this friendship without getting anything in return. So I stopped doing that and I know now that this friendship is going to die a silent death, but that’s okay. I have to let go, so that I can move on. Mentally I’ve said my goodbyes and I feel very liberated. It was a tough decision, but one I needed to make.

Another thing I discovered was my sudden tendency to procrastinate and I’ve never done that before. It just isn’t me. I needed to make some decisions about the reunion (not so important) I told you all about earlier, my living arrangements (important), my money situation (important) and my future (not so important – I like to live in the now). I’m figuring that all out now. Making decisions instead of shuffling things around and putting them off and it is a miracle…… I feel great (duh!)

So I might not be there yet, but the dream was a real inspiration and I’m working on my future again. Yeah again...... I know. But hey, at least I’m not giving up :)


Phil said...

It's hard to let go of things at times for me too. You have a great attitude about it Dakota. Your attitude about many things always inspires me. I'm surprised you don't procrastinate, I thought was a Libra trait ;-)

kat said...

Your dream was indicating that you hadn't got or shouldn't have any real baggage -so yes, move on and improve things.

b o o said...

thats the spirit gurlie. u will figure it out, take your time :)

Dakota said...

Thanks for your kind words Phil. It’s certainly hard to let go, but sometimes it’s the only thing you can do. Indecisiveness sure is a Libra trait, but I can make spontaneous decisions too :)

Thanks for your support, Kat & Boo. It is very much appreciated :)

qaminante said...

I "fired" a friend more than a year ago after realising that every time I saw her I ended up feeling terrible. I feel much better for not having this grief in my life, even if a mutual friend who still sees her keeps trying to give me hers second hand!
Well done for figuring out the dream. As regards the indecisiveness, Librans are supposed to be all over the place, the balance see-saws around before finding the point of equilibrium... (This does not seem to preclude being perfectly decisive in certain circumstances: I NEVER had a moment's doubt about chocolate, for instance!!) Maybe the tendency to procrastinate appears sudden because some really hard decisions have only just arisen? Good luck with the changes - you can figure it out, I'm sure.

zoom said...

I'm an indecisive Libra too! But we have counter-balancing qualities, so it usually works out in the end.

I think recurring dreams are very, very interesting. Good for you for taking the time to understand what it meant and for doing what you needed to do dakota.

Dakota said...

I guess I am finding my point of equilibrium now Qaminante, nearly done with the see-sawing (at least for now ;)) Thanks for your support :)

And thank you too Zoom! Your comment on my previous dream post was really inspiring. It was one of the reasons I wanted to explore the dream. Thanks again :)