Saturday, April 08, 2006


1. Grab the book nearest to u, turn to page 18 & find line 4 - the book is “De Grote Jacht” (the Great Hunt) by Robert Jordan & page 18 line 4 is: “[…] dienden waren verdwenen, de Trolloks eveneens, hoewel hij die niet […]” Yep, I’m reading in Dutch for a change :)
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as u can, what do you find? A wall.
3. what is the last thing u watched on tv? Ehmm… Lost.
4. with the exception of the computer, what can u hear? Music, playing kids and birds.
5. when did u last step outside? A few minutes ago, to get the mail.
6. before u started this survey, what did u look at? The program for Pinkpop 2006
7. what are u wearing? A raincoat and wellies. No, not really! Just jeans and a black long-sleeved t-shirt with “It’s a sick world, and I’m a happy woman” on it.
8. did u dream last night? Nope, at least I can’t remember any dreams.
9. when did u last laugh? A minute ago!
10. what is on the walls of the room u are in? A clock, pictures, photographs, signs.
11. seen anything weird lately? I saw a guy walking out of a hospital in the middle of the night. Nothing weird about that, but he was in his pj’s and slippers and wasn’t supposed to leave at all.
12. what do u think of this quiz? It’s great for the times I have nothing to blog about……times like right now :).
13. what is the last film u saw? The Weather Man with Nicolas Cage. Wishy-washy!
14. if u turned a multi-millionaire overnight, what would u buy? An exotic holiday for my mum and……. I need to think about the rest.
15. tell me something about u that i don’t know. I have a not so secret admirer.
16. if u could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt & politics, what would u do? Make poverty history.
17. do u like to dance? Yes, all night long!
18. george bush – Same shit, different asshole!
19. imagine your first child is a girl, what would u call her? Mini MeMe.
20. imagine your first child is a boy, what would u call him? WAY (Who Are You).
21. would u ever consider living abroad? When can I leave?
22. what would u want God to say to u when you reach the pearly gates? “I think you took a wrong exit”.
23. 4 people who must also do this meme – Must? Must? I don’t think so! Do it if you like, skip it if you don't :)


Kayla said...

Hahaha..I like the name of your male child, "Way".

b o o said...

glad u did the meme, great answers Dakota :) hope your weekend was nice :)

Dakota said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you :)