Today I was reading an article which states that Danish fast-food is relatively healthy. In the
A fast-food from McDonald’s and KFC. American French fries and chicken nuggets contains 10,1 grams of fatty acids. Would you buy the same combo in
But hey, let’s be honest. We all know that fast-food isn’t the most sensible choice. Last year American research showed that fast-food is in fact super-unhealthy. People who eat fast-food on a regular basis are on average 5 kilos (or 11 pounds) heavier than people who rarely eat fast-food. So I’m not going to promote fast-food but if you really, really need to eat it, go to
i'll meat u there :)
Yum! I'm on the first plane outta here to Denmark! :)
That really incenses me that these 2 chains choose to give the fattening, artery clogging foods to one country, and the healthy version to another! It's like they're trying to kill the Americans..hehehehe
I'm on a diet right now and living on Danish bacon (with the fat cut off. :-)
This post has made me feel so hungry.
Oh, it is going to pretty busy in Denmark this summer :) I hope the Americans are not going to invade Denmark next ;) C U there Boo and Kayla :)
I am sorry Kat it wasn’t my intention to make you hungry. Good luck with the Danish Bacon diet :)
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