Monday, April 10, 2006

An appointment you don’t want to be early for.

This morning I had to visit my dentist for my annual check up. I usually don’t mind going to my dentist because he is a nice guy and I rarely have cavities, but this time I had been worried about this appointment all weekend.

Ever since I quit smoking I’ve been having problems with my gums. I've had toothaches and inflammations. You name it, I’ve had it :(. Lately things had settled down, but still a trip to the dentist wasn’t on my fun-things-to-do-list. But a girl got to do what a girl got to do, so this morning I was up bright and early for this dreaded appointment.

I’m one of those annoying people who hates to be late, so I was there15 minutes early. That has happened before, but I usually wait outside for a while. Not today however! Because it was raining, I sneaked in with the intention to wait in the waiting room. Fat chance! The moment I walked in, the dentist saw me and asked me to come through to his office. Bummer!

So, there I was, lying in his high-tech chair more then 10 minutes early……bummer again! He started poking around with his hooks, scrapers, and other instruments of torture. Yuk! Because he had so much time he was extra thorough. Yuk again! He was poking around for so long that I actually became convinced that I needed a set of false teeth pretty soon. I was so thankful when I heard him say ‘Okay, all done……you can rinse!’ I let out a sigh of relieve, but that was, as it turned out, way to early. He wanted to take some X-rays too……pffff! Man, this guy had way too much time on his hands :(. His assistant was helping out, or actually she wasn’t helping at all. She was clumsily prodding around with the X-ray thingies. After this “ordeal” it was finally time to put my coat back on, make an appointment for next year and leave the premises.

And now I’m typing away with my fingers crossed, which isn’t easy btw. My dentist always check the X-rays by the end of the day and I’m sooooooo hoping he isn’t going to call me, because when he calls in the next few hours I’ve to come back for real torture :(


Phil said...

Ah yes, the dentist! I have a friend who always would say when he was behind a slow driver "Where are you going? To the dentist?"
I think back to when I was a kid and I was afraid of the needle so I never got novacaine. How insane was that. This was before 'modern' things like the high speed drills and all. I can still smell the burning tooth matter.
I'm so glad you quit smoking Dakota

Dakota said...

Hahaha….. you have a funny friend Phil.

I don’t have a problem with the needle but with the novocaine. If I move to quickly after they administer the novocaine (they don’t use laughing gas/Nitrous Oxide that much here) I pass out. So if I need some mayor work done I usually have to think twice.

Phil said...

He is a really funny guy, I've never laughed as hard as I have hanging with him. He used to say to people who drove too fast "What are you, late for an appointment with death?"
I hate getting the novacaine, then trying to drink something, sloppy!

BTW: He is the worst driver I know

b o o said...

aww. it be ok {{hugs}}

Dakota said...

Worst driver or not.... at least he can make you laugh Phil Laughter is the best medicine :)

Hugs right back @ U Boo