Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Make a difference day(s)

All over the world there are Make a difference days. In The Netherlands there will be a Make a difference day on the 9th and 10th of December. It is party time and every one is invited, you too. You can do all sorts of things to make the world a better, nicer and happier place. But of course you don’t need to wait till the party starts; you can start changing the world every day….. so how about today?

43 (small) Things you can do:
1. Send someone a small gift anonymously
2. Make contact with that ‘strange’ neighbor
3. Is someone alone? Strike up a conversation.
4. Help old people with chores.
5. Buy flowers or plants to brighten up the street.
6. Organize a spring cleaning in your neighborhood.
7. Say something really nice to someone.
8. Visit a home for the elderly
9. Invite that unknown colleague to lunch.
10. Say Hello to everybody today.
11. Welcome new neighbors.
12. Give something away, that will make somebody else happy
13. Donate money to charity.
14. Really try to listen when people tell their story.
15. Offer to baby-sit.
16. Give clothes or magazines to a shelter.
17. Order (anonymously) dessert for someone else in a restaurant
18. Go grocery shopping for a sick neighbor
19. Compliment 3 people on one day.
20. Invite your grandparents for a drive or a boat trip.
21. Give old clothes to charity.
22. Invite your mother-in-law to do something nice.
23. Take a dog from an animal shelter for a walk.
24. Give somebody a ride.
25. Say Hello when you enter the bus.
26. Buy two donuts and give one to a homeless person.
27. Give your unused train ticket to someone else.
28. Send someone a nice card.
29. Go for coffee in a home for the elderly and take a pie with you.
30. Give your newspaper to someone who can’t afford one.
31. Leave flowers on a grave of someone you don’t know
32. Today, try to listen instead of talk.
33. Become a volunteer.
34. Collect litter in your neighborhood.
35. Become a blood donor.
36. Chat with the cleaning lady at work.
37. Plant flower bulbs in a public place.
38. Refill the stapler of a colleague.
39. Put a nice note in the pocket or bag of a friend.
40. Let somebody else go first
41. Take a ‘forgotten’ friend out for the day.
42. Have a garage sale and donate the proceeds to charity.
43. Surprise someone…serve breakfast in bed or deliver a breakfast basket.


Phil said...

What a great post. I do what I call (and others call it this too) RAK for Random Acts of Kindness. I was just viewing Blogs and happened upon yours.

Dakota said...

Thanks for your comment.

I call these (little) things also Random Acts of Kindness, or being social. Others call it weird, strange, or call me a freak. I don’t care what they call it, it’s just a label and I can live by their label are live my own life. I chose the latter :)
So I’ll keep going (and others will too) and who knows maybe someday all these RAK’s will make a difference and hopefully make the world a little bit nicer each day.

Phil said...

I see it as if being mean can be contagious, why can't being nice be too?