Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I’m finally doing this

I have been quit for 1 Day, 19 hours, 42 minutes and 35 seconds (1 days). I have saved € 2,29 by not smoking 32 cigarettes. I have saved 2 hours and 40 minutes of my life. Not that long… but as is said, I’m doing it. Yesterday was really bad; I felt sick and had a fever. On top of that my gums are infected. Pain on top of the fever….. oe, quitting is so much fun. Today I think the fever is just related to the infection and has nothing to do with the smoking cessation. I’ll have to wait and see I guess.

I’m a bit behind with the Quit Smoking 101 lessons but I gonna read 2 of them now.

* Lesson VI is all about the quitting date, supplies and way of thinking.

* Lesson VII contains tips for the first week. Hmm.. just found out that sore gums can be part of the nicotine withdrawl. Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms Cravings to smoke, Irritable, cranky insomnia, Fatigue, Inability to Concentrate, Headache, Cough, Sore throat, Constipation, gas, stomach pain, Dry mouth, Sore tongue and/or gums, postnasal drip, Tightness in the chest.

Of all the things I could get, I have to get that :( Oh well, this nasty feeling will pass. Haha… you see, I’m learning from the lessons (stay positive)

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