Saturday, September 17, 2005

Doing a happy dance!

Sometimes there are days that suck and sometimes there are days that are absolutely great and this was one of those great days. And funnily enough, nothing all that special happened. Some examples!

When I woke up this morning, it was raining really hard and I thought the day would be very boring, dull and grey. On the contrary as it turns out. After my morning coffee and breakfast, the sun came out. I hopped in shower, dressed and got on my bike. I went grocery shopping and to the market. I really needed some fresh herbs and spices, because my cupboards were almost bare. It’s sad, the only things in there, were the basic cooking ingredients. Now my cupboards are totally restocked and that feels great. Next week I can pick out some new recipes and start on one of my goals from 43things; try out new recipes! It feels great. Starting something new again.

But that’s not the only thing that makes this day great. There was also a health market. There were sport promotions, stands about weight loss and you could get your blood pressure, BMI and body fat checked. I always thought that things were greatly improved after I lost 20 kilos and today I got the confirmation….. woohoo! All three are exactly were they should be. I also had a nice chat with some ladies about weight loss and exercising. It was funny to hear what everybody was doing…. and most importantly, not doing. I still believe that every healthy person can lose weight, if they really want to. It’s just a case of checking what you put in your mouth against the calories you burn. If you balance that out, everybody lose weight or stay on their goal weight.

Riding my bike home I was really amazed about the sky. There were parts of blue, sunshine and all sorts of cloudscapes……so beautiful. Nearly just a beautiful as the feeling this day gave me :) Appreciating the smaller things in life makes it all so much more fun.

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