Wednesday, September 28, 2005


There is something weird going on with kindness. Well, actually not with kindness itself but more or less the response to kindness. I’ve been practicing random acts of kindness for a few weeks now and it’s fun, but I also noticed that a lot of people don’t know how to deal with this. Some people even conceive this as weird, strange, or call me a freak. I don’t care what they call it or me, it’s just a label and I can live by their label are live my own life. I chose the latter :)

But still, it saddens me that people don’t know how to react to kindness anymore. If you try to give away something, people won’t accept it because they think there is an alternative motive behind it. If you assist someone, they expect you to ask something in return. If you greet someone, they don’t greet back, afraid that you might be a weirdo.

Wasn’t there a time that this kind of behaviour was regarded as normal? Shouldn’t kindness be something normal? I think it should be normal and I’m glad that there are still humans who think the same. Not everyone reacts negative and I noticed that more and more people are doing this. People are doing things on their own or in organised groups. On 43Thing, for example, there are 220 people doing RAK’s and that total keeps growing. So I guess that as long as there are people who believe in this, there is still hope for kindness.

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