Friday, March 02, 2007

Weekly finds – part 8

The oldest blogger in the world?
Olive Riley lives in Australia and was born in 1899 and is now, age 108 107, probably the oldest blogger in the world. She has a blog helper called Mike and together they post about her day to day life and her amazingly clear memories of her colourful life. And oh, she doesn’t call her blog a blog but a blob :)

Could you shutdown your computer for one day?
From the site:
"It is obvious that people would find life extremely difficult without computers, maybe even impossible. If they disappeared for just one day, would we be able to cope? Be a part of one of the biggest global experiments ever to take place on the internet. The idea behind the experiment is to find out how many people can go without a computer for one whole day, and what will happen if we all participate! Shutdown your computer on this day and find out! Can you survive for 24 hours without your computer?"
If you think you can, or can’t, let them know here

England Rocks
England Rocks is the perfect site if you want to know everything about a lot of famous rock cities like Liverpool and London and the locations associated with some of the greatest musicians and bands from the 50s to present day. From The Beatles, Rolling Stones and Queen to Oasis, Robbie Williams and Arctic Monkeys. You can also explore birthplaces and hangouts of legendary rock stars, locations that inspired famous albums and song lyrics, great music venues and the variety of festivals and gigs taking place around the country.

String spin is a nice place to get creative. Just click version 1 or 2, draw something and watch your creation evolve.

Feeding the Homeless


kat said...

I love the homeless video. :-)


Greetings from Sydney, Australia.

You are being unfair to Olive. She is "ONLY" 107!

Best wishes, Eric.

KJ's muse said...

108. Wow.

It's funny, because this morning I was having computer problems and as my "technician" instructed me to disconnect and stay off the Internet in case I had a virus I practically wailed, "I can't, it's my lifeline!"

Sadly I'd find it REALLY hard to have my computer shut down for a whole day.

Dakota said...

I love it too, Kat :)

Oh I am sorry, Eric I’ll change that into 107 asap :)
Greeting from Holland

I used to be an internet/computer addict, KJ’s Muse. I was online 24/7….ok, maybe that is exaggerating it a little bit, but I really thought I couldn’t live without my computer. These days I spend a lot less time online, so maybe I could shutdown for a day. Hmmz… maybe I should give it a go

Anonymous said...

Aww... that video is fab.

Dakota said...

It's AbFab, Stu :)

Phil said...

England sure does rock... Well some of it anyway :]
Loving the feed the homeless video - Genius :X

Dakota said...

Glad you liked it, DoGGa